Intestinal flu in children - symptoms and treatment

Any health problems in the baby cause parents' anxiety. Unfortunately, periodically children suffer from various infectious diseases. Mums should know the main symptoms of some ailments to which a child is exposed. One of these diseases is intestinal flu. This is a household name, and specialists use the term "rotavirus infection". It is necessary to understand, by what signs it is possible to suspect such pathology, and also what to do with intestinal flu in a child.

Methods of infection with rotavirus infection

This disease has a viral nature and affects the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that usually the virus is susceptible to babies under 3 years old, and children older than 4 years already have immunity to it. In schoolchildren and adults, it practically does not occur.

Rotaviruses are resistant to external factors. There are several ways of infection:

The risk of getting infected is increased in shops, schools, gardens, that is, where there are many people. The incubation period ranges from 12-16 hours to 5-6 days.

Symptoms of intestinal flu in children

The disease begins quite sharply, but its development differs from other gastrointestinal diseases. According to the first signs, this infection can easily be confused with a cold. It begins with a cold, sore throat, and cough is also possible. Catarrhal phenomena quickly pass and in children there are such signs of intestinal flu:

Infection can cause dehydration, and this is a very dangerous condition.

In its manifestations, gastroenteritis is similar to poisoning, salmonellosis. Therefore, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor. He will be able to accurately recognize the symptoms of intestinal flu in children and necessarily prescribe treatment. Often children have to be hospitalized. Modern medicine can overcome this infection in a few days. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the doctor.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children

There are no special agents for the disease. Therapy is a complex of activities, usually with intestinal flu in children, attention is paid to the diet regime.

All appointments will be aimed at restoring the water-salt balance, reducing intoxication. It is also important not to admit of bacterial infection.

Some believe that antibiotics for children against intestinal flu are for children. But this opinion is erroneous, since this disease is caused by viruses, and antibacterial drugs are not used for their treatment.

It is important to give the baby more to drink, for example, you can offer a compote of dried fruits, tea, Regidron.

It is also necessary to help the body get rid of toxins. To do this, use sorbents, for example, Enterosgel , Smektu, suitable activated charcoal. To stop diarrhea appoint Enterofuril, Furazolidone. Later, prescribe drugs to restore intestinal microflora, for example, Lineks. Which drug to choose and in general, than to treat intestinal flu in children, it is better to ask the doctor. He will allocate funds taking into account a number of factors.

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment. Diet for intestinal flu in children should include porridge on water or broth. Do not give milk products, juices, sharp, fatty foods. If the kid refuses to eat, persuade or force it is not necessary.