Vitamins for children with calcium

Every parent knows that calcium is needed for his baby to grow. But in addition to the growth of calcium is responsible for the immune, hormonal, cardiac activity, as well as blood coagulability, and the assimilation of other trace elements and vitamins. Certainly, vitamins with calcium for children play a huge role in the years of active growth and formation of the body.

But at this point, the clarity of the parents ends and a lot of questions arise: whether to add vitamin supplements to the diet, how much calcium is needed for their child, how to recognize the signs of deficiency.

Daily rate

Daily calcium for children depends on their age:

The signs of a deficit

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in children begin with nervous activity. Children become irritable, crying, quickly tired, there is a weakness. The skin begins to peel off, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, caries, brittle bones and nails. The nervous system reacts and signals a deficit first by numbness of the fingers, then by cramps in the limbs.

If the deficit is not the first freshness, osteoporosis develops, the bones become very fragile, and even heart failure can develop (calcium is responsible for contractions of the heart).

The bleeding of the gums increases, immunity decreases, vision deteriorates - all this, and much more, can arise because of the shortage of only one trace element.

Calcium in products and not only

For our body there is nothing more useful than vitamins and minerals consumed from fresh products. Calcium contains:

If you are thinking about what calcium is best for children - natural or pharmacy, then besides the calcium-rich menu, which is mandatory, we recommend that you give the child two times a year vitamin complexes to combat spring and autumn avitaminosis. The intake of calcium should always be combined with vitamin D , because they are interrelated with digestion.

List of vitamin complexes

  1. Multi-tabs baby Calcium +.
  2. Cigapan tablets for children.
  3. Pikovit.
  4. Vitamins.
  5. Jungle.
  6. Vitrum Circus.
  7. American Cynamid.
  8. Doctor Val.
  9. Nutra Bourses.
  10. Kid's Formula.
  11. Kinder Biovital gel.
  12. Vitrum Baby.
  13. Centrum Children.