Breast milk analysis - all about the main types of research

Mamino milk is recognized as a unique product that has an ideal balance of nutrients. Getting his child regularly causes strong immunity, reduces allergic reactions, which is not uncommon for artificial mixtures. But even such a product can sometimes be harmful. Consider such a study as the analysis of breast milk, its types, methods.

What is the analysis of breast milk?

Before giving breast milk for analysis, the mother must clearly determine the need for this procedure. There are several ways to implement such a diagnosis, depending on the purpose. Often, this biological product is tested for:

Breast milk analysis for sterility

Such a technique is necessary to exclude the presence of harmful microorganisms. They can penetrate from the outside, and will move from the source of inflammation in the body of a woman along with blood flow. Such an analysis of breast milk reveals specifically the type of microorganism, determines its concentration. Based on the results obtained, drugs are prescribed. Interpretation of the analysis of the microflora of breast milk is carried out exclusively by a doctor. Often fix the presence:

The study is mandatory in the presence of inflammatory and infectious processes in the gland. The precise definition of the pathogen helps to quickly start effective therapy, exclude symptoms and manifestations of the disease. The nursing woman herself should be interested in his appointment. The complexity of implementation is often caused by the lack of necessary equipment and personnel.

Analysis of breast milk for fat content

This type of test determines the presence of fats. Such elements are difficult to digest. Because of this, children often have problems with digestion. The analysis of breast milk on the composition presupposes the determination of the degree of its fat content. At the same time, for the testing, it is necessary to collect only the biological material, which is released after about 2-4 minutes from the beginning of the decantation. For collection it is necessary to use clean, washed and sterilized containers.

The resulting material is poured into a test tube. It has a notch that is 10 cm from the bottom. Wait 6 hours to evaluate the result. After a while, a layer of cream forms on the surface. It is important not to shake the container during the test. When evaluating the results after the analysis of breast milk, it is considered that 1 mm of creamy layer corresponds to 1% of fat content. According to statistics, it reaches 4% fat content. This indicator is averaged, so do not worry if it is slightly different in the smaller direction. Problems can arise in the opposite case - due to a large percentage of fat.

Analysis of breast milk for staphylococcus aureus

This method is often performed in determining the causes of mastitis during lactation. It can develop as a consequence of stagnation or penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through the nipple cracks. In order to pass the analysis of breast milk to staphylococcus a woman spends it in a sterile container. The resulting sample is sent to the laboratory. The material is placed on a nutrient medium, cultured. After a while, the result is evaluated by microscopy. In most cases, it identifies Staphylococcus aureus. The appointment of antibacterial drugs leads to getting rid of mastitis.

Breast milk analysis for antibodies

It is carried out in the presence of Rh-conflict - a violation, in which the Rh factor of the mother and child do not coincide. To exclude the possibility of getting antibodies from the mother's body to the baby, doctors advise to refuse breastfeeding or wait until the baby turns a month. You can exclude this fact by conducting a test. The analysis of breast milk is done exclusively by a doctor. As a result, the concentration of antibodies present is indicated, if any, or they are found to be absent.

Where can I take an analysis of breast milk?

Talking about where you can make an analysis of breast milk, doctors first call large medical centers. There are also laboratories for perinatal institutions. Laboratory diagnostics requires the presence of special modern equipment, qualified personnel. Depending on the type of study, the speed of obtaining results may fluctuate. For example, when determining the sterility, this can take about a week.

How to collect breast milk for analysis?

Talking about how to properly pass breast milk for analysis, doctors note that the fence from each gland should be made in different containers. It is very important to conduct the training process, which is as follows:

The last portion is used for evaluation. The volume of it should not exceed 10 ml. In the process of expressing it is necessary to exclude the touch of the hands to the nipples. Transportation of the sample is carried out in a container, no later than 2-3 hours from the moment of sampling. Storage of collected material even in the refrigerator before transfer to the laboratory is unacceptable. This can distort the results when a percentage of fat is determined.

Considering all the above rules, the mother can first give the baby a breast to not express it herself, if the feeding is not prohibited during this period. With the results obtained, you need to contact a specialist in lactation processes. Evaluation of available data helps to clarify the problems and methods for their resolution. Full compliance with the recommendations issued and instructions leads to a normalization of the lactation process, eliminates digestive disorders in the baby.