Urticaria in children - how to recognize and treat a formidable condition?

Urticaria in children appears suddenly and looks like red, very itchy blisters. The name of the disease is chosen not without reason - the rash is similar to that that appears on the skin after touching the nettle. As a rule, the problem passes as quickly as it starts - in 6-8 hours - but sometimes hives can be a threat to health.

Types of urticaria in children

Eruptions are classified according to different factors. Depending on the cause of the disease, the types of urticaria are as follows:

In the form of the disease, urticaria in children is:

Hives - Causes

The problem can develop independently or be a symptom of various pathological conditions. In most cases, there is an allergic urticaria. The most common food irritants:

In addition, rashes occur when exposed to chemicals, pollen or household allergens. Often the cause of the disease are bites of insects. Urticaria in children older than two years may have a viral origin. After rubella, mycoplasma infection or mononucleosis , some children develop a transient form of the disease. Often blisters appear against the background of helminthic invasions and because of the activity of bacteria.

Acute urticaria

In the course of the disease, an acute and chronic appearance is distinguished. Acute urticaria in children develops as a result of first contact with the allergen. The reasons for it are as follows:

Chronic urticaria

Identify the causes of urticaria in children is not easy. To understand what constantly causes a reaction, it is possible only 20 - 30% of cases. In most cases, the rash occurs due to physical factors, infections, allergies to foods and nutritional supplements. Sometimes chronic urticaria in children is a symptom of pathologies of the thyroid gland, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, nervous system.

Urticaria Symptoms

Knowing how the hives look, it can be quickly diagnosed and cured. This will help prevent complications and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form. The most common symptoms of the problem are:

Types of rash with hives

How all the hives look like in children, almost all parents know. Standard rashes are blisters. Red spots slightly rise above healthy skin. If they are combed, areas of puffiness, irritation, and ulcers may appear. The size of the blisters is usually small. Their diameter does not exceed a few millimeters. Other types of rash are as follows:

Localization of rash with hives

Suddenly, the emerging blisters very quickly transform into pinkish-brown knots, the size of which does not exceed the pinhead. Small bubbles form on the outbreaks. When combing, the stain can be covered with a bloody crust. Sometimes eruptions are formed on the eruptions. As a rule, the upper limbs are affected. Blisters "love" zones of large folds, but sometimes there may be hives on the face of the child or all over the body.

Stages of urticaria in children

When the first symptoms appear, it is advisable to consult a specialist. This will help prevent the development of the disease and the problem will be managed much faster and easier. Allocate such basic stages of the development of the disease:

  1. At the initial stages, urticaria in children has symptoms not too pronounced. Blisters almost do not bother a small patient, the itching is not so strong, there are no signs of intoxication.
  2. The second stage is characterized by severe symptoms of intoxication. Often the disease is accompanied by Quinck's swelling or fever. In a short period of time, allergic edema can spread throughout the body of the child. If it affects the larynx, the baby is difficult breathing, there are attacks of suffocation.
  3. For the severe stage, all the same symptoms are characteristic that appear in the second stage, only they are more expressed. The condition of the child is aggravated, many patients become too capricious and nervous.

What is dangerous hives in children?

Such a disease, as hives, occurs in children often, because parents do not frighten it, but it is impossible to start a disease on its own. The danger is that the disease can go into a chronic form, and it will be much harder to cope with it. In addition, advanced idiopathic urticaria is fraught with the development of edema , which sometimes cause death.

How to treat urticaria in children?

The choice of the therapy scheme is little affected by the causes that caused the disease. Treatment of urticaria in children always involves:

First aid for hives

This is a serious disease, because hives in children, symptoms and treatment of it, should be well studied by parents. If a child is allergic, antihistamines should always be on hand.

Emergency care for urticaria and edema Quincke suggests an urgent cessation of contact with the allergen:

  1. Interrupt the taking of dangerous medicines.
  2. Eliminate the source of poison when bitten by insects.
  3. Take sorbents, if the irritant is a food product.
  4. Remove the allergen from the skin.

An ambulance should be called if:

Drugs for urticaria

Medications that in most cases help with hives are antihistamines. Today, the so-called second-generation medicines are more popular. Dosage is selected individually - during a consultation on how to treat hives, with a specialist. If the medicine does not help, the dose can be increased, but beforehand it should be agreed with the pediatrician.

The most common drugs used for this problem look like this:

Sometimes in parallel with the tablets are prescribed anti-allergic ointments:

Diet for urticaria in children

At seizures, it is very important to observe the drinking regimen. It is desirable that a child consume 2-3 liters of water per day. This will facilitate the prompt removal of the stimulus from the body. In addition, a mandatory diet for hives:

  1. From the diet it is necessary to exclude all those products that could provoke an allergic reaction. If it is difficult to determine them, it is necessary to conduct an experiment: after a day of fasting, start giving the child one new dish. The one after which the hives become worse, and is the culprit.
  2. The diet should be observed, even in those cases when the reaction has not food origin. To the patient's condition is not exacerbated, it is better for him to give up the products with increased allergic activity for a while. This will support the immune system.
  3. Lowering the allergenicity helps the processing of products: freezing, cooking, peeling.

From the diet of the baby should remove all food containing preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers. It is undesirable for urticaria to drink tea, coffee, fizzy drinks and there are such products:

Recommended products are:

Prophylaxis of urticaria in children

Guaranteed to prevent the problem can not - hives in children under the age of one and older can appear at any time - but there are some tips that will help reduce the likelihood of its occurrence:

  1. It is necessary to try to understand what exactly causes the reaction and avoid contact with potential triggers. If it is impossible to completely exclude contact, then at least reduce it to a minimum.
  2. The child should wear loose clothes made of natural fabrics. Coarse, dense, thorny materials can cause irritation of the epidermis.
  3. If there is a suspicion that urticaria occurs due to eating, you can start to keep a food diary. It records all the products used by the child and how the body reacted to them.
  4. At the first manifestations of the problem, put a cold compress on the affected area. This will help prevent the development of an attack.
  5. Cool soda baths also help to neutralize the reaction and prevent spread of the rash over the body.
  6. Always have antihistamines at your fingertips.