Why does the child sweat during sleep?

Young mothers pay attention to the health of crumbs and watch for changes in the stool, skin condition, behavior. Often, parents pay attention to the fact that a child sweats heavily during sleep, the question arises, why is this happening. It is useful for all mothers to know what can cause such a phenomenon. Sweating is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which also regulates blood circulation, breathing, digestion of food. All these processes are inextricably linked. The sweat glands completely form around 5 years, and while they are only developing, sweat can be allocated quite intensively. Intensified sweating can be provoked by completely harmless factors, and sometimes is a consequence of diseases.

Causes not due to impairment

Parents should be aware that in most cases, increased sweating from their crumbs should not cause anxiety, and dads or moms can correct the situation. It should be noted the main reasons why a child sweats heavily in a dream:

  1. Violations of the microclimate. If the parents noticed that the baby even has wet pajamas while sleeping, then, first of all, one should think - maybe the room is very hot and stuffy. Be sure to ventilate the room, and keep the temperature to about + 20-22 ° C.
  2. Period after illness. It is known that fever is marked by increased sweating. But after the illness passed, normal sweating will be restored only after a few days. This explains why the child sweats in a dream after illness.
  3. Too warm clothes. Caring mothers want to protect the cowboys from all sorts of diseases, so they consider it necessary to warm them warmly at night and wrap them in a blanket. But this only increases the allocation of sweat. Crow should be worn in light pajamas made of natural fabrics, which is good for air.

Possible health problems

The reasons that a child sweats heavily during sleep are sometimes caused by diseases. For example, perhaps this is one of the signs of rickets. For this ailment is characterized by the allocation of sweat with an acidic odor in a dream on the face and under the hair.

Also, if the crumbs even wear wet clothing, you should think about problems with the nervous system. Sweat is usually with a sharp odor, it can be thick, sticky or watery.

Some hereditary diseases, for example, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, can also cause such a symptom.

Mums who have encountered such a peculiarity of the children, you should carefully monitor the maintenance of a comfortable sleeping environment in the room, and do not overclude the crumbs. In addition, parents can always seek advice from a pediatrician.