Lamblias in children - symptoms and treatment of giardiasis by better means

If lamblias are diagnosed in children, symptoms and treatment require serious treatment. Toddlers are very inquisitive, so they are more susceptible to parasitic effects than adults. According to statistics, every third child is infected with Giardiasis. The insidiousness of the ailment lies in the fact that it can be masked for other diseases.

Giardiasis - the causes of

The severity of the lesion and the concomitant clinical picture depend on how long parasites are used in the child's body. Lamblias are much smaller in size than helminths, so they are invisible to the naked eye. To prevent infection, you need to know how the parasites get into the body. Pediatricians distinguish the following ways of transmission of the disease:

  1. Water - parasites penetrate into the body crumbs when swimming in natural water bodies or in the pool. The kid can swallow a dirty liquid. In addition, drinking water is often poorly cleaned, so a child can become infected when he drinks from the tap.
  2. Nutritional - infection occurs when you use unwashed vegetables, fruits and other products. In addition, the intensity of development of the disease affects the prevalence of certain foods in the diet. If you eat mainly carbohydrates, lamblia in children multiply and develop at a tremendous rate. With the predominance of protein and plant foods in the diet, lambliasis slows down.
  3. Contact-household - infection occurs through toys and household items, infested with parasites.

Giardia in children - symptoms

It is difficult to accurately identify the moment of infection. At the initial stage the disease is asymptomatic. Then it passes into the acute phase. In this case, lamblia have symptoms in children, and treatment is urgently needed. To hesitate with therapy in any case it is impossible. To detect a timely disease will help symptoms of Giardiasis in children. For an illness in an acute stage, the following symptoms are characteristic:

Symptoms of lamblia in children with a chronic form of ailment can be as follows:

Rash with giardiasis in children

When infected with the simplest microorganisms, a pseudoallergic reaction is observed. A small patient may have severe itching, an impression of the presence of "sand" in the eyes. Against this background, hair is thinning and starting to drop out. In some cases, the hue of the head of hair may change. Signs of giardiasis in children are reduced to such skin rashes:

How to identify lamblia in a child?

The started disease is more difficult to treat than the disease at the initial stage. For this reason, the parents' task is to turn to the pediatrician for the first signs of infection of the child with parasites. The doctor will appoint a number of diagnostic procedures to identify cysts of lamblia in children. According to the results he will develop the optimal course of treatment.

The analysis on ljamblii - how to hand over to the child?

To make sure that the baby is really parasitic lesion, you need to examine the blood. Objective information will be provided by serological analysis. It is advisable to take it, if no more than 4 weeks have passed since the cysts hit the baby's body. This analysis helps to identify antibodies - substances produced by the immune system in response to parasitic lesions. Blood sampling is made from the vein. Analyzes for lamblia in children are taken on an empty stomach. Blood for such a study can pass a toddler of any age.

Giardia in the feces of a child

For the detection of the disease, a coprological examination is carried out. The analysis helps to identify cysts of lamblia in the feces of a child. Fresh material is used for the research. It is taken to a sterile container. The viability of parasites in stool remains for 24 hours, so the collected material should be examined as quickly as possible. The accuracy of the results obtained is approximately 70%. To get more objective information, the analysis is handed over 2-3 more times.

Ljamblii in a liver at children

If suspected of this disease, a duodenal study is prescribed. At the same time, blood is taken on lamblia in children. The duodenal diagnostic measure provides for sounding with bile extraction. To him, the child needs to be prepared: a nutrition plan is prepared in advance, drinking regime is prescribed and medicines are prescribed. Such a study in young children do not. He is appointed from the age of 10.

What is dangerous lamblia in children?

If parasites are detected in the body of the baby during the diagnostic examination, treatment should be started as soon as possible. The younger the child, the more dangerous for him is the presence of "guests." To live and multiply, lamblia need nutrients. They suck in to the small intestine and suck valuable elements out of the blood. As a result, the baby's organism does not receive enough nutrients.

The more parasites are used, the less microelements and vitamins are left for the child. Such a regular deficiency of nutrients is very dangerous. For example, because of vitamin deficiency, a child may lag behind in development. In addition, parasites poison the children's body with products of their vital activity - toxins. Such dangerous substances suppress the work of immunity and contribute to the development of serious diseases. For this reason, it makes no sense to philosophize for a long time whether lamblia should be treated in children. To act urgently.

How to treat lamblia in children?

To get rid of the disease correctly selected therapy will help. Treatment of giardiasis in children is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Purification and preparation of the body for subsequent antiparasitic therapy. This stage lasts about 2 weeks. Enterosorbents are used to purify the body.
  2. Drug therapy. In addition to enterosorbents, the baby should take antiparasitic drugs. The duration of this stage is determined by the doctor.
  3. Rehabilitation therapy. It involves taking probiotics and enzymes. This stage lasts 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of lamblia in children - drugs

In the fight against this disease, medicines should be selected and prescribed by their doctor. When lamblias are diagnosed in children, symptoms and treatment should be consistent. Experiments with drugs are not permissible, since this will only exacerbate the situation. The medicine for lamblia for children should be taken strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. In some cases, antiparasitic therapy is carried out in two stages: the interval between the first and second period is from 7 to 10 days.

Tablets from lamblia for children can prescribe the following:

With restorative therapy, bifidobacteria are prescribed. In this case, various factors are taken into account: the symptoms and treatment available for diagnosis of lamblia in children, with what preparations were carried out before. More often appoint the following medicines:

Lamblias in children - treatment with folk remedies

To enhance the effectiveness of traditional therapy, alternative medicine can be used. Such treatment of lamblia in children should be carried out only after consultation with the doctor. Incorrect dosage of broths or infusions can provoke aggravation of the situation. On any changes in the condition of the baby, parents should immediately inform the doctor.

How to treat giardiasis in children with cucumber infusion?


Preparation, use:

  1. Pulp with seeds are ground.
  2. Fill the cucumber with boiling water and insist for 2 hours.
  3. Filter the drug and give the child to drink throughout the day.

Pumpkin gruel from lambliasis


Preparation, use:

  1. Seeds are cleaned and pulverized.
  2. Pour water and honey, and then mix everything thoroughly.
  3. An antiparasitic mixture should be eaten for an hour. Then give the baby a laxative and clean the intestines with an enema.

Diet for giardiasis in children - menu

The main purpose of such a nutrition program is to create in the body unfavorable conditions for the habitat of parasites. Diet for giardiasis in children provides for the use of such products that provoke the creation of an acidic environment. The Giardins are dying faster here. In the baby's diet include the following products:

Products should be boiled, stewed or steamed. Feed your baby in small portions, but often (at least 6 times a day). However, the following products should be excluded from the diet:

Prevention of giardiasis in children

Minimize the risk of developing this disease can be if the parents will teach their kids to follow certain rules of conduct. It is much easier to prevent Giardia in children (they have uncomfortable and exhausting symptoms): treatment takes a lot of time and effort. Such effective preventive measures are considered to be the most effective:

  1. Check that the baby does not pull dirty objects into his mouth.
  2. Wash hands after walking, going to the toilet and before eating.
  3. Give the child only filtered water.
  4. To exclude bathing of the kid in the polluted reservoirs. Such a prohibition does not apply to the sea, since parasites do not live in salt water.
  5. Process fresh vegetables and fruits with boiling water before giving them to the baby.
  6. To play the kid should only in those sandboxes, in the safety of which parents are sure.
  7. Giardiasis in children can be prevented if regular antiparasitic drugs are given to pets. When animals are contagious, contact with them should be forbidden. It is advisable to resume communication with the animals only after the course of antiparasitic therapy.