Terrible predictions about the seizure of Russia by China are already coming true!

It became known how the lightning capture of Russia by China will take place.

Asian countries are now ready to speak in the world political arena and push out such giants as Russia and the United States. China is developing especially actively, spending a lot of money on armament and developing its own economy. If, ten years ago, the possibility of a military threat from him to other states was not taken seriously, now China is openly declaring itself.

Against the backdrop of the frightening power of this country, it is more important than ever to recall the astonishingly accurate prophecies of famous prophets, confident that the Chinese will be able to enslave the whole world.

Predictions of Aristocles of Athos

The war between the two great states was so obvious many years ago that many monks and elders spoke about it. Among them was the frightening confidence that China would commit a treacherous attack. Schiaeromonah Aristocles of Athos in 1917 said:

"All of Russia will become a prison ... The crown of Russia's misfortune will be through China."

Moreover, he was sure that the omen of this event would be the fall of some stellar body, which would create a big flash. Against the backdrop of disturbing news from the NASA space agency, you can imagine that waiting for this event is not so long. By 2020, his employees promise a whole series of meteorite rains - and no one is sure that they will not be able to reach the surface of the Earth.

What did Vissarion of Optina talk about?

Elder Vissarion of Optina supplemented Aristocles' prophecy about war by indicating that it would be preceded by an attempt to overthrow the incumbent ruler. It is obvious that the Chinese will try to take advantage of the minute weakness of the inhabitants of such a large country, in order to try to become the head of the political regime. And no one will be surprised by the fact that once again the Slavic people will be saved ... with the help of religion! The elder pointed out clearly:

"Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. Then the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a union of Russians on the Orthodox principle. "

Prophecies of Blessed Dunyushka

Blessed Duniushka from the village of Chudinovo in 1948, a few days before her death, told her family that she had seen what the future of Russia would be like. She did not name the invasion date and said that "this is a great secret for ordinary people." Duniushka said that after the arrival of the Chinese, the famine would begin:

"Soon in Chelyabinsk, the Chinese will drink tea, yes, yes, they will drink tea. Today you have icons, and you will live to see that one icon is walled in the sents, and you will secretly pray for it. And still live to see that all of you believers will be sent to the North, you will pray and let the fish feed, but who will not be sent, stock up on kerosene and lamps, for there will be no light. At first they will open churches, but there will be nobody to go to them, then they will build many magnificent houses with decorations, and soon there will be no one to live in, the Chinese will come, they will all be driven out into the street, then we will regain our strength. "

Nikolai Uralsky about the US and China

Blessed Nikolay Uralsky also believed that it was not the US that was to be feared that consolidated the glory of the world aggressor. Nikolai predicted:

"All of us are afraid of the West, but we must be afraid of China ... China will go to the southern lands. And the whole world will remain silent. And no one will hear how the Orthodox will be eaten. In the frigid cold of women, old people, children will be driven out into the streets, and Chinese soldiers will settle in warm homes. No one can survive that terrible winter. Everyone is drinking one cup of death to the bottom. Europe will be neutral ... The Chinese armies will pass to the Caspian Sea. After the Chinese soldiers will go millions of Chinese immigrants, and no one can stop them. All indigenous people will be subdued. "

Detailed Forecast of Seraphim Vyritsky

Hieroschemamon Seraphim Vyritsky could see more than others: he learned which countries can resist China:

"When the East gathers strength, everything will become unstable. The number is on their side, but not only that: they have sober and hard working people, and we have such drunkenness ... There will come a time when Russia will be torn apart. First it will be divided, and then they will begin to plunder wealth ... Its eastern part will be given to China ... When China wants to go further, the West will oppose and will not allow. Many countries will arm themselves against Russia, but it will stand, having lost most of its land. "

Will Russia be able to reborn after the division and deprivation of all its wealth? Schiarkhimandrite Seraphim Tyapochkin from the village of Rakitnoe already in 1977 was able to describe the details of how the confrontation between China and Russia will end:

"The collapse of Russia, despite the strength and rigidity of power, will happen very quickly ... The greatest tragedy will be the seizure of Siberia by China ... When the Chinese try to force the Ural into military force and go further, other countries will by all means prevent this and can even help Russia in repelling the invasion from the East. Russia must endure in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, it will find the strength to be reborn ... But the Lord will leave behind Russia those lands that have become a cradle ... This is the territory of the Great Moscow Principality. Russia will not be rich, but it will still be able to feed itself. "

Unfortunately, Seraphim did not say a word about how long it will take Russia to recover and get up off his knees ...