What does the name Karina mean?

Character traits Kariny - intelligence and excitability. She is a choleric by nature, critical to herself and demanding of others, she strives for an ideal inner lath.

The name Karina, in Latin, means "dear."

Origin of the name Karina:

There are several versions of the origin of the name Karin. The most popular of them is the one that suggests that Karina is formed from the Latin "carous" - "dear", "dear". There is also a variant with the formation of a name from the "carina" - "keel of the ship", "looking ahead".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Karina:

In childhood, Karina is stubborn and restless, painful and emotional. Parents simply can not indulge their daughter and, feeling this, she is lazy, reluctant to study, although she is naturally talented and versatile gifted. Karina enjoys dancing and gymnastics, she can go to painting classes or ballet classes. Outwardly it is a copy of the father, and the character inherits the mother. The dissatisfied little girl-Karina takes offense loudly and demonstratively, attracts attention.

Karina is very intelligent, does not fit in any company, instinctively demanding of people. Lucky on a medical, legal or pedagogical path. In relationships guided by intuition. Sometimes selfish, underestimates the mind and talent of other people, jealous of others' successes. Strictly controlling himself, susceptible to criticism, in relation to himself is always biased. Karina has an unusual fate and a rich life, but she often does not get in the way of an extra bit of luck. Carina sees the failures with humor, does not lower her hands and stubbornly climbs to the top, however, the streak of failure can severely knock down her health, especially since she often neglects them. Prone to mental illnesses and neuroses, very impressionable. Being offended and angry, repels people away from himself, does not know how to come out of conflict with dignity. Behind the charm and attractive appearance of Karina often lies a stale, unkind and selfish nature.

In the work she is active and mobile, but lazy. Subconsciously expects that everything will come to her itself and immediately, but this almost never happens. If Karina wants to reach career heights, she should take herself in hand and how to work, including self-discipline.

In its relations it is difficult to intrigue and surprise. With men stressed undifferent, but it does not frighten off her fans. In her youth, Karina often seeks a strong, aggressive and courageous partner, but almost never is happy with him. In men, calmness, balance and patience are important to her. In bed Karina takes the initiative, can be a bit despotic, her sensitive fantasies rarely reveal.

Karina loves her house, but in small things it is not economic. He does not like to regularly wipe the dust and wash dishes. It is very important for her not to poke a face in front of the guests.

Interesting facts about the name Karina:

"Winter" Carinas are characterized by constant dissatisfaction and grumbling, their character will be tolerated by far not every man. Opposite to them are "summer" - sociable, hospitable, benevolent and patient. Unpredictable, gifted and mystical born in the spring, "autumn" Karins - reasonable and calm.

In the first marriage, almost never is happy. Her relationships with Dmitry, Mikhail, Anton, Stepan and Alexei are successful, marriages with men named Vitaliy, Boris and Alexander are unsuccessful.

Carina's name in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Karina : Karinka, Kara, Rina, Ina

Karina - the name of the color : green

Flower of Karina : water lily

Carina Stone : jade

Nicky for the name Karina : Cinnamon, Cora, Curry, Rina, Car, Carrie, Carus, IKARUS, Sail, Parsunik