Bruxism - treatment

Some patients, complaining to the dentist for help, complain about gnashing their teeth. This is a very unpleasant problem, although many consider it possible not to notice it. In addition, it has the status of a disease called bruxism. Treatment of this ailment is a long and difficult process. Get rid of bruxism can be with the help of folk or medicines, each of the ways has its advantages and disadvantages.

Traditional treatment

The dentist, diagnosing brooksim, begins treatment in three stages:

  1. The purpose of wearing a special kapa. The device prevents the clenching and creaking of teeth.
  2. Appointment of medications and procedures that help relax the patient and relieve him of stress.
  3. With increased abrasion of tooth enamel, orthodontic and orthopedic dentistry is prescribed.

And now more. Kapy from bruxism are made individually for each person, taking into account the peculiarities of the dentition. The device does not relieve the disease, but only facilitates its flow. The appointment of sedatives and relaxation procedures is the first stage of treatment, as it is nervousness and stress that contribute to the development of bruxism. In neglected cases, the dentist not only consults with the psychologist, but also sends his patient to him.

The last stage is orthodontic and orthopedic treatment. In some cases, the cause of bruxism is a substandard filling or prosthesis , and as a result of treatment, the presence of protruding seals is checked and the error is corrected. Also, the dentition can be strengthened, because the teeth are loosened due to the disease. This is very important when bruxism is in chronic form.

How to treat bruxism at home?

Despite the complexity and ambiguity of the disease, it can still be cured at home. Folk remedies for treating bruxism produce the same effect as traditional methods, so the patient first of all must find a way to relax. It can be music, favorite pastime or just a dream in sufficient quantity. In addition, it is necessary to allocate time for relaxing baths with oils and massages.

Further during the day, the upper and lower jaw must touch only during meals. Before going to bed, eat an apple or carrots, so that the jaw gets tired. To relieve tension in the muscles, use warm compresses.

In the treatment of bruxism in adults at home, it is recommended to limit the intake of caffeine and foods with a large amount of carbohydrates, especially sweets.

Such simple procedures without difficulty will relieve you of bruxism. But if the disease is in a chronic stage, it is better to see a doctor.