The god of trade in ancient Greece, as well as profit, dexterity, deceit, reasonableness, eloquence and theft was Hermes, the son of Zeus. He was the patron saint of shepherds, ambassadors, travelers and traders.
What was the god of trade among the Greeks?
Hermes made his first theft even in diapers, leaving his cradle, he stole fifty cows from Apollo. To cover the tracks, tied the branches to their feet.
In Egypt, Hermes created the letters. The first seven letters were invented, looking at the flight of birds. He also established the order of the constellations, and then placed the letter delta in the sky.
In honor of the Greek god of trade on road crossings, statues of the herm were installed, which served as road signs. They looked like stone pillars, on which the head of Hermes was carved. By the order of Alcibiades the herms were destroyed in 415 BC.
The ancient Greek god of trade often carried out Zeus's errands. He stole from the goddess Hera a cow, which was transformed into Io, the beloved of Zeus. Hermes is famous for the fact that he sold to the Queen Omphale Hercules in slavery.
Hermes was also called Psychopomp, which in Greek means "Soulmate". Such a nickname he received because he accompanied the souls of the deceased in the kingdom of Hades. After a while, Hermes began to be called - Trismegistus, which in translation means "Three times the greatest." Such a nickname he received due to the fact that he was in both worlds, both ours and the other world.
Attributes of Hermes
Hermes had a winged wand, a caduceus, or a kerikion, which he received from Apollo. This rod was able to reconcile the enemies. Hermes used the caduceus for various purposes. With the help of him, he woke up and put to sleep people. I sent messages from the gods to mortals during sleep. Another attribute of Hermes was a petas hat and a thalari - winged sandals. Thanks to the fact that Hermes was the patron of the herds, he was portrayed with a small lamb on his shoulder.