Egregor - what is it, how they work and what types of egregores exist?

It is believed that every living creature and other objects on earth have energy that can have both a positive and a negative charge. She is able to influence a person by changing his life. One of the most common energy formations is the egregor.

What does this mean?

The energy structure, which is created by the people themselves, is usually called the egregor. There are a lot of them, and any occupation and organization have their own energy. What are the egregores and how they work, interested people since ancient times. It is believed that they can have an impact on people's lives, their thoughts and worldview. It is important to note that egregor is not always good, and it can cause problems and failures in a person.

What is the Christian egregor?

Believers and magicians can receive energy thanks to the Christian egregor, which has a direct connection with religion and is considered the strongest. Many Russian conspiracies in their texts have an appeal to the Lord, angels and saints, and so, during their pronunciation, a person connects to the egregor, the same does a believing person, when he says a prayer. The Christian egregor not only gives energy, but also provides protection. The result from the pronunciation of prayers and the reading of conspiracies can only be the one who sincerely believes, that is, connects to the egregor.

How do you know your egregore?

Each person has several egregors, which can be generic, that is, the child is automatically connected to them at the moment of birth, as well as those that appear during life, and they are related to the interests. The personal egregore directly depends on what a person does and is interested in in life. In order to understand what energy flows influence, it is necessary simply to write down on the piece of paper everything that is pleasant and with what a person interacts, these will be personal egregors.

How to connect to the egregor?

To get help in achieving different goals, you need to connect to the egregor. He will act as an incentive, and even provoke the emergence of important and useful events in life. Connection to the egregor can be done in different ways.

  1. The simplest version involves studying the chosen sphere, obtaining information and sharing interests. It is important that a person knows the egregores that this is in accordance with their requirements. In some cases, you need to pass the initiation ceremony, for example, baptism in Christianity.
  2. Finding out, egregor, what it is, it is worth mentioning about another method of connection to energy information formations - performing different rituals that can relate to different magical traditions and currents.

How to disconnect from egregor?

It has already been mentioned that the influence of energy formations can be not only positive, but also negative. There are egregors who, instead of giving the person energy, select it and control its life. In such a situation it is important to know how to get out of the egregor, and it's worth noting that it's much more difficult to do than to connect to it.

  1. It is important not only to use magical rites, but also to limit the influence of the energy structure on a person. It is necessary to limit contacts and communication with representatives of egregor.
  2. The theory of egregors was studied by the ancient Slavs, who proposed a powerful rite for interrupting communication with similar structures. It is necessary to prepare a thread of red color, scissors, a candle and a boiled egg. Light the candle, take the egg and wind it with a string. One end hold in one hand, and another roll the egg on the table, three times repeating the conspiracy number 1. After that, cut the thread, telling the plot number 2. The next step is to burn the string in the candle flame, speaking conspiracy number 3. Before dawn, the egg should be buried at an intersection.

What are the egregors?

People working with energies assure that every organization on earth has its own egregor, which can reflect the essence of the collective and the mood of people. There are important and positive energy formations that contribute to human development. For example, you can bring such types of egregores: money, love, work, beauty and so on. Negative energy-informational structures act as parasites, destroying a person.

Generic egregor

The energy field created by the ancestors and taking into account the actions and emotions is called the egregor of the genus. For life to be without problems and happy, it is necessary to interact with the energy flow, gaining strength from it. The egregor of the family likes to be interacted with and remembered, so every person should know about their ancestors by studying the ancestral tree. It is necessary to learn how to feel and your relatives and then the connection with the energy formation will only increase.

Many are interested in how to calculate the generic egregore, and so the process is very simple and involves the addition of all the numerical values ​​of the letters of the surname. The amount must be reduced to a prime number. Example: Ivanov 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3. After that you can find out how the energy of the genus affects the person:

Money Egregor

One of the strongest is the egregor of money, since it is difficult to find a person who does not think about finance and enrichment. It is important to note that each currency has its own energy-information formation, and the more stable the currency, the stronger the energy. In order not to have financial problems, it is necessary to take into account some peculiarities:

  1. Egregore money likes order, so it's important to monitor the money so that they are not scattered in different places and being in a purse in an even state.
  2. Respect money, for example, do not step on coins scattered on the street, and do not serve idlers.
  3. It is not recommended to lend large sums of money, because there is a high risk of encountering financial problems.
  4. Always mentally thank the money when they come to hand.

Egregor of love

Not every person is happy in his personal life, but you can correct the situation, for example, by learning how to interact with the appropriate energy formation. There are a few tips on how to create an egregor of love.

  1. A person must understand what the word "love" means for him and what partner he wants to see next to him. It is equally important to realize how to become an ideal for the second half.
  2. Finding out, the love egregore, what it is and how to connect to it, it is necessary to say about the need to communicate with the goddesses of love. For the Gentiles there are some patrons, but for the believers others.
  3. Of great importance in a romantic relationship is the aroma, for example, peach, roses and apples.
  4. Carry out different love rituals, aimed at attracting appropriate energy.

Egregor sex

One of the oldest energy informational formations, based on the human need for sex is the sexual egregor.

  1. For an ordinary person, the egregor of sex is important because it eliminates problems related to the intimate sphere. When you connect to this energy-information formation there will be no lack of sex.
  2. If the connection with the egregor is not established, then the person will not get pleasure from physical contacts, will not be able to attract representatives of the opposite sex and will consider himself unattractive.
  3. To establish contact with egregor, you need to get rid of the prejudices associated with sexual life. It is important to stop condemning others for their preferences. Help to reveal sexual energy different types of bodily pleasures, for example, massage, bathing and so on.

Egregor of drunkenness

Alcoholism is a common phenomenon and it is believed that the whole fault is the alcohol egregor - an energy structure that spreads around the world and drags a huge number of people into its networks. He not only makes you drink alcohol, but also allows his life and destiny. Egregor of darkness eats negative emotions , not only the alcoholic himself, but also his close people. There are several options that help get rid of the action of the energy formation. The simplest option is to replace the alcohol egregore with another similar entity.

Family egregor

It is believed that during the marriage and the emergence of a new family, a new egregor is born. Within 6-7 years, he will develop and strengthen, so any conflicts and criticism will negatively affect his condition. Long-term problems can destroy the egregor family.

  1. The main task of the egregor is to provide protection and assistance. It is important for him that people do not make mistakes that could lead to the breakdown of the family.
  2. Egregor gives hints to a young family through an inner voice or dreams so that they can avoid problems.
  3. Finding out the family egregor what it is, it is worth noting that it is adversely affected by hatred between relatives. Especially dangerous are mutual curses that can cause various problems, failures, accidents, serious illnesses and even death.
  4. In order to strengthen the connection with the egregor, it is necessary to restore contact with your relatives. Psychics say that it is important to know your pedigree to understand what are the strengths and weaknesses.