Dark circles under the eyes - fatigue or illness?

The beauty and attractiveness of the female look strongly depends on the condition and the shade of the skin of the eyelids. The presence of "bruises" around the eyes makes the face weary, painful and considerably old. If you find out what provokes this aesthetic defect, you can gently disguise it or eliminate it completely.

Dark circles under the eyes - reasons for women

All factors that cause a discoloration of the eyelid skin are conventionally classified into 2 large groups. Dark circles under the eyes of the cause:

  1. Temporary. Noticeable deterioration of the condition and color of the epidermis is observed after a sleepless night, emotional experiences, intense psychological and physical exertion. Some women develop dark circles during menstruation and pregnancy, climate change or sudden weather changes. Often they occur against the background of smoking and alcoholism, unbalanced diet or strict diets.
  2. Constant. The main cause of the problem in question are serious chronic diseases of internal systems and organs. Sometimes the hereditary and genetic features of the skin and structure of the network of blood vessels become a provoking factor. Capillaries located too close to the border of the epidermis, create a peculiar pattern, similar to hematoma.

Black Circles under the Eyes of Women - Causes

The described shade of the eyelid skin is found mainly in people with congenital and acquired pathologies of the cardiac or vascular system. There are black circles under the eyes and diseases of the following organs:

There are incurable diseases that accompany circles under the eyes - causes:

Blue circles under the eyes - causes

This color is observed in women with thin and porcelain-light skin, especially when veins and capillaries are closely localized to the surface. Blue circles under the eyes are still formed due to prolonged work associated with the voltage of vision. They can appear against a background of lack of sleep or chronic insomnia , constant overwork, emotional outbursts and unrest.

Dark circles under the eyes with a bluish tinge occur with hormonal disorders. If the defect in question is combined with sudden changes of mood, inexplicable irritability and reduced work capacity, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Additional symptoms - jumps in blood pressure, changes in appetite in any direction, intense thirst.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

The strategy of combating this pathology depends on the factors that provoke it. If the cause of the deterioration of the color of the eyelids are diseases, how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes will explain the appropriate specialist. Without proper treatment of the underlying ailment, its external signs will not disappear, they can only be disguised or temporarily weakened.

When dark circles are formed against a background of an incorrect way of life or care, it should be changed:

  1. Time to go to bed and sleep.
  2. Regularly relax the eyes if the profession assumes their tension.
  3. Balance the diet.
  4. Refuse alcohol and tobacco, other addictions.
  5. Stabilize the emotional state (yoga, meditation , visit to the therapist).
  6. Pick up high-quality cosmetics (hygienic and decorative).

Cream from dark circles under the eyes

Daily beauty products for the skin of the eyelids, normalizing the color of the epidermis, improve the microcirculation of biological fluids (lymph and blood), activate cell metabolism and stimulate the production of elastin. A reliable remedy for circles under the eyes contains:

Several creams that make lighter dark circles under the eyes:

Mask from dark circles under the eyes

Expressed and quick effect helps to achieve regular application of cream and active caregivers. Among the options for removing circles under the eyes, a key role is played by mask for eyelids. Quality products:

There are also home techniques, how to get rid of black circles under the eyes. Self-made funds are much cheaper, because they are made from available products. Their effect is less pronounced after one procedure, but the course therapy provides a worthy and lasting effect, no worse than a professional-looking grooming cosmetics.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes

Natural masks, home-made lotions help to significantly refresh the skin and eliminate puffiness ("bags"). The simplest options, how to get rid of circles under the eyes, consist in applying compresses from fresh natural products:

A little mask to soften the dark circles under the eyes will be a mask based on parsley. It is known for its whitening and toning properties, therefore it is often included in the composition of both domestic and professional cosmetic products to combat excessive epidermal pigmentation. This ingredient further tightens the skin, has a rejuvenating effect.

The recipe for a mask


Preparation, application:

  1. Connect the cucumber and the greens.
  2. Dilute the gruel with sour cream.
  3. Densely apply mass to the periorbital area.
  4. In a quarter of an hour, remove the compound with a cotton disc.
  5. Rinse the epidermis with cool water.

Injections from dark circles under the eyes

Mesotherapy or revitalization is the introduction of special preparations under the skin with as thin a needle as possible. This method, how to remove black circles under the eyes, provides activation of cell regeneration and stimulation of collagen fiber production. Thanks to injections, the outflow of lymph and blood circulation in the capillaries is normalized, stagnation disappears.

How to hide dark circles under the eyes?

The only method for instantly eliminating the described defect is applying decorative cosmetics. Circles under the eyes qualitatively masked only by specialized products - concealer or highlighter. Tonal cream, even with the maximum covering power, will not help effectively hide the problem, and in some situations even emphasize it.

Concealer from dark circles under the eyes

The cosmetic in question differs from other similar variants with a more concentrated pigment and increased density. It can mask dark circles above and under the eyes, spots and other pinholes on the skin. Consists are produced in different forms for certain indicators of fatness of the epidermis:

Choose a decorative tool for dark circles under the eyes of the following list: