What causes gingivitis?

Gingivitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the gums. The name itself resembles the Latin language. Gingiva is the gum, and the combination of the letters "it" in the end of the word indicates inflammation. There is both chronic gingivitis, and one that is recurrent. Knowing what causes gingivitis, you can prevent the development of this inflammatory process or speed up its treatment.

Causes of gingivitis

All possible causes of gingivitis can be conditionally assigned to the following groups:

To external reasons, gingivitis in adults is primarily attributed to improper hygiene . Due to irregular and poor-quality oral care, dental plaques are formed (this is a colony of microorganisms that settles on the surface of the teeth). For the same reason, tiny pieces of food remain in the mouth, which rot and provoke inflammation of the gums and teeth.

The condition of the gums and mouth is also affected by nicotine. It changes the pH of saliva and provokes the development of dysbacteriosis. In addition, under the influence of nicotine, inflammatory mediators are activated. Also, the blood vessels that supply the gum and other organs of the oral cavity with nutrients are narrowed. For this reason, the gums become vulnerable to gingivitis.

Exogenous factors include injuries and burns of the oral cavity. To aggravate the situation can and the intake of certain medicines. One of their side effects is the activation of inflammatory mediators.

Among the endogenous causes of hypertrophic gingivitis are the following:

Very rarely, gingivitis develops as an independent disease. More often this disease is a signal of a serious pathology of internal organs and systems or diseases of the oral cavity.

Risk factors

Inflammation of the gums can occur at any age. But there are also high-risk groups. These include:

Those who have a predisposition to the disease, knowing the causes of gingivitis, can prevent its development.