Mask for the growth of eyelashes

Long, dense and curled eyelashes are the dream of many women who know that a lot depends on the look in style. When a woman has short and thin eyelashes, then immediately there is a lot of problems: first, you need to find an ink that will mask the real length of the eyelashes, and in fact often such mascara is viscous, lays down and crumbles during the day. Secondly, with short eyelashes, any make-up of the eyes does not look as spectacular as with long eyelashes. And, finally, thirdly, the eyelashes give the appearance of charisma, because with the help of a glance, women can express those emotions that can not be described in words, and express them better with eyes whose eyelashes are an ornament, not a flaw.

And if nature has not awarded you with long eyelashes, you can try to deceive it - use masks for rapid eyelash growth. They will help to strengthen eyelashes, to activate metabolic processes in the follicles, and thereby contribute to the activation of growth.

Home masks for eyelash growth

Among the arsenal of home masks for eyelashes, their effectiveness is proved by those that are based on vitamins, and also those in which oils are used.

Masks for eyelashes with vitamins

Vitamins are substances that are in many cases "bricks" for tissues. In order to make the eyelashes more dense, get liquid vitamins A and E in the pharmacy. They are not digested separately, but if applied together, the result will not be long in coming.

These vitamins will increase the elasticity of the eyelashes, strengthen their rods and roots. To make a mask based on vitamins, they often use oils as a base in which the main active ingredients are mixed.

To prepare a mask that can be used several times, take:

Then proceed to prepare the mask:

  1. 1 tsp We put the carite oil in a container.
  2. In the same container, drip 5 drops of vitamin E and vitamin A (there you can add 5 drops of grape oil - it contains vitamins B, which are very useful for hair).
  3. Then, in a water bath, warm the oil with vitamins and mix thoroughly, when the oil has a liquid state.
  4. The final stage is to put the container with the mask for 1 hour in the refrigerator, so that it again has a firm consistency.

The mask should be applied to the eyelashes before bed with the help of fingers, for a month, without flushing. The effect will be visible after 3-4 days.

Effective mask for eyelash growth

A simple but effective mask for the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair is to apply undiluted castor oil . If you use a brush on applying it to your eyelashes, it can drain into your eyes and worsen your visibility. If you use the index and thumbs in place of the brush, and rub the oil into the eyelashes with massage movements, it will not fall into the eyes and will be better fixed on the eyelashes.

Use this mask before bedtime, every day. The period of using the mask is unlimited - it will be very useful for the eyelashes, if this procedure is made part of the daily care.