ESR - the norm in women by age, the table and the main reasons for the change in the indicator

Determination of ESR in medicine worldwide is mandatory for laboratory blood testing. This indicator is important in the diagnosis of many diseases, assessing the severity of their course and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Because there is a different ESR norm in women by age, a table of average indicators will help to identify deviations.

What is ESR?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also sometimes referred to as the erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR) reaction, reflects the ratio of plasma protein fractions. Erythrocytes are red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body. They are the heaviest elements of the plasma, and under the influence of the force of gravity in the selected blood sample placed in a test tube, erythrocytes in the form of a dense fraction of brown color settle from below, at the bottom. The rate at which these blood particles settle is largely dependent on the degree of their aggregation, i. E. the ability to stick together.

This physiological indicator is often examined during a general blood test. Depending on the methodology used, the blood sample can be selected:

To get the most reliable result, it is desirable to adhere to the following rules:

Rate of erythrocyte sedimentation according to Westergren

Determination of ESR by Westergren is a method universally recognized in the world medical practice, characterized by high sensitivity, accuracy and speed of implementation. The selected biomaterial for analysis is mixed in a certain proportion with a substance of anticoagulant action with sodium citrate in a special tube with a scale graduated in 200 mm. Then the sample is left vertically for a certain time (1 hour) during which erythrocyte sedimentation is observed. ESR is determined in mm for 1 hour to measure the height of the upper semitransparent blood layer without taking into account the sediment.

The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation according to Panchenkov

The use of the Panchenkov method for the calculation of ESR in the blood is considered somewhat outdated, but traditionally it continues to be realized in many laboratories of our country. Selected blood is mixed with anticoagulant sodium citrate and placed in a special capillary, graduated by 100 divisions. After an hour, the separated upper plasma layer is measured. The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation will be the result with a unit of measurement "mm".

The rate of ESR in the blood of women

It is established that the rate of ESR in the blood varies depending on several factors:

Often, when the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is analyzed, the norm in women exceeds the normal values ​​observed in men. This index varies slightly during the day, its different values ​​are noted on an empty stomach and after a meal. In the female body, the rate of ESR varies most with a different hormonal background, which varies with age and with various physiological processes (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause).

ESR - the norm in women by age

To find out the exact norm of ESR in women with a normal state of health, mass examinations were conducted, on the basis of which the average indices were obtained. ESR - the norm in women by age, the table reflects the following periods of life:

Age of the woman

The limits of the norm of ESR, mm / h

up to 13 years


13-18 years old


18-30 years old


30-40 years old


40-60 years old


after 60 years


ESR in pregnancy

In the period of bearing the baby, the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is an important indicator of the evaluation of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the norm of which in pregnant women at different terms in connection with the change in the level of hormones affecting the composition of the blood becomes different. In addition, the relationship of this indicator in pregnant women with the constitution of the body was revealed. Therefore, the table below shows which rate of ESR in women is not in terms of age, but depending on the gestational age and body type:

Body type of the pregnant woman

ESR rate in the first half of pregnancy, mm / h

ESR rate in the second half of pregnancy, mm / h

complete 18-48 30-70


21-62 40-65

The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is increased - what does this mean?

The degree of aggregation of erythrocytes and ESR increases with the increase in blood protein compounds, causing an increase in the adhesion of these particles. In general, these proteins are markers of the inflammatory process that appear in the blood: fibrinogen, immunoglobulin, peruloplasmin, etc. It should be noted that the analysis of ESR is not specific and it is impossible to establish the type and localization of the inflammatory process in the body. In addition, ESR above the norm is noted for some pathologies of non-inflammatory nature.

ESR is increased - the reasons

When interpreting the results when the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased, other blood counts and other diagnostic measures taken to establish an accurate diagnosis are taken into account. The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation by Westergren is higher than normal in the following main cases:

ESR is increased - what to do?

Since the increase in ESR is not in all cases caused by pathological causes, it is first necessary to review all possible physiological provoking factors, exclude probable errors in the analysis. When searching for a disease that causes excess of normal parameters, it is necessary to assign a number of studies, consultations of medical specialists of different profiles. Treatment is determined in accordance with the detected disease.