Omega or Omeprazole - which is better?

Diseases and disorders of the stomach recently are very common due to malnutrition, accelerated rhythm of life and unhealthy foods. Therefore, when choosing the most effective drugs, many people have a natural question: Omega or Omeprazole - what is better to buy, given the same indications and similar pharmacological action?

Instructions for the use of omeprazole and omez capsules

The active substance, its concentration, as well as the remaining components of the drugs in question, which are used as auxiliary, are the same.

The active ingredient is omeprazole. This ingredient is an antiulcer, which effectively eliminates the symptoms of the following diseases:

In addition, Omega and Omeprazole are often used to treat the defeat of Helicobacter pylori bacteria as part of a complex scheme established in the medical community.

The method of application of the described capsules is also the same:

  1. For most indications, take 20 mg of the drug per day.
  2. Drink a pill before meals, preferably in the morning.
  3. Continue treatment for 2 weeks.

The exception is Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: 60 mg per day should be taken, the maintenance dose may be up to 120 mg per day.

In severe cases and situations where it is urgently necessary to stop clinical manifestations of pathology, Omega or Omeprazole is to be given intravenously by infusion. Dosage remains the same as with oral capsules.


Most often during the course of treatment, the following side effects are noted:

It is important to pay attention to the interaction of omeza and omeprazole with other medications. It is undesirable to simultaneously take:

There is still no information about drug overdose, as its use in doses, even exceeding 160 mg per day, revealed no life-threatening effects.

What is the difference between Omega and Omeprazole?

As can be seen from the above instructions, these drugs are almost identical. The difference between Omega and Omeprazole is that the first agent was released much earlier, therefore it is the so-called original medicine. Omeprazole is a generic (substitute) with a similar pharmacological effect, which was produced on the basis of the original.

In addition, the difference between Omega and Omeprazole is the country of origin. The previously released medication was developed in India, whereas the analogue is made in Russia. Therefore, it is important that the price of Omega is significantly higher than its generic.