Tenoten - analogues

Tenoten is a homeopathic drug used for attacks of anxiety and stress. This drug has virtually no contraindications. But, if you still can not take it, you can use the analogs of Tenoten to treat psychosomatic diseases.

Analog Tenoten - Phytosed

Analogues and substitutes Tenoten - drugs that have the same effect on the body. One of the best preparations of this group is Phytosed. This is a complex herbal remedy, which has a significant sedative effect. Regular use of Phytodesa helps:

Treatment with this drug increases physical and mental activity in people with severe fatigue .

The Tenoten-Nott analogue

Knott is one of Tenoten's best analogs. This is a homeopathic medicine that helps to quickly restore normal sleep and get rid of increased excitability and various disorders that arise on the nerves.

Tablets and drops of Nott are also very effective in the lability of the vegetative type, severe sleep disorders and psychoemotional tension.

Analogues of the Children's Tenoten

In the children's Tenoten includes lactose. Therefore, the use of this drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents with its intolerance. To replace the child Tenoten can be its analogs, which can be used to treat children of different ages. These include:

  1. Glycine is a nootropic, soothing, anti-stress drug. Permitted for use from 3 years.
  2. Glycesed - suitable for the treatment of adolescents. It normalizes the nervous system under stress.
  3. Memori plus - increases the ability to concentrate and has a tonic effect on the nervous system can be taken in children and adolescents (from the age of 12 one can use adult dosage).