A rhinitis does not pass or take place 2 weeks at the adult

The typical acute rhinitis that occurs in ARI and ARVI usually disappears within 5-7 days even without symptomatic treatment. Worrying is needed when the runny nose does not pass 2 weeks in an adult with previous therapy. This can mean the development of inflammatory processes or the transition of rhinitis to a chronic form, as well as some other pathological conditions.

Why does it not take a runny nose for an adult?

The most probable cause of the problem considered otolaryngologists consider sinusitis. This disease is a purulent inflammation in the nasal sinuses, it is one-sided and bilateral, often complicated by the attachment of a bacterial infection.

With sinusitis, a runny nose in an adult does not pass for 2-3 weeks, there are also additional symptoms:

In addition, lingual congestion of the nose can be caused by other forms of sinusitis:

The listed diseases have approximately the same clinical manifestations, the difference consists only in the localization of the inflammatory process.

Another common cause of a cold is an allergic reaction. Such a malfunction in the functioning of the immune system is provoked by various irritants, for example, household and building dust, food, plant or flower pollen, and wool of pets.

Other common factors leading to prolonged nasal congestion:

  1. False rhinitis. It develops due to prolonged and uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictive drops in the nose, especially Naftizine.
  2. Neoplasms. The presence of polyps, cysts and inflamed adenoids, as a rule, is accompanied by a protracted, uncontrollable, runny nose.
  3. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. Pathology is characterized by proliferation of connective tissue in the nose.
  4. Ozena. The disease proceeds against a background of intensive atrophy of bone tissue and mucous sinus walls with the formation of viscous mucus and dense crusts.
  5. Transition of catarrhal rhinitis to a chronic form. This situation arises because of incorrect treatment of acute rhinitis or complete absence of therapy.

What if the cold does not go away for 2 or more weeks?

To take really effective measures to eliminate the described symptom is possible only with the establishment of a correct diagnosis. To do this, you need to contact an otolaryngologist who will conduct a thorough visual examination, make an x-ray of the nasal sinuses. Sometimes it is recommended to additionally pass a smear from the surface of the mucous nose to bacterial culture and determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to different groups of antibiotics.

As a rule, therapy consists in the use of drugs that help eliminate unpleasant symptoms (painkillers, antipyretic, decongestants, vasoconstrictors). The choice of basic drugs, antihistamines, antiviral, antibacterial, depends on the root cause of the pathology.

If a pronounced runny nose in an adult does not take 2 or more weeks, do not self-medicate or try get rid of the problem with the help of folk recipes. But at home you can still take some measures:

  1. Drink more liquid in a warm form.
  2. Refuse to drink alcohol, smoking.
  3. Rinse the nasal cavity with a weak solution of furacilin, sea salt or similar special medicines.
  4. Continuously ventilate the living area.
  5. Regularly do a wet cleaning, in the presence of a quartz lamp - to process the radiation of the room.