Rinoflumucil for genyantema

Drops of Rhinofluucimil have a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect, which, in genyantritis, is important both in treating the disease and in eliminating the symptom of congestion.

Genyantritis is most often bacterial in nature, but the remedy for the common cold Rhinofluucim does not contain antibiotics, and therefore does not have a direct effect on the cause of the disease. But given that the sinusitis is often treated with antibiotics with the help of tablets or injections, it can be said that the use of local antibacterial treatment does not become an important task, and therefore drops or spray from sinusitis Renoflumacil can serve as a local remedy for the patient's well-being.

At the same time, when using Rinofluimacil, it should be taken into account that it can be addictive, and when it is not necessary, it still has to be used, since the stuffiness of the nose does not recede. To find out what else can be useful in the treatment of sinusitis Renoflumacil, you need to pay attention to its composition.

Drops from sinusitis Renoflumacil - composition and pharmacological action

Drops of Rinoflumucil contain two main active substances:

So, according to the effect of these substances, we can conclude that in the genyantritis, the effect of thinning viscous mucus, including purulent contents, is of particular benefit. This means that the patient will be easier to clean the nose, and bacteria will not accumulate in large quantities. With sinusitis, cleansing of the sinuses becomes an important task, and this medicine can help in solving it.

Another important property that affects the course of the disease is anti-inflammatory.

On the patient's well-being and the quality of his life, the vasoconstrictor effect, which temporarily relieves breathing, will have an effect. But this property of the drug and becomes insidious, since the vessels can get used to such an effect, if use the medication for more than 2 weeks.

When can not you take Rhinoflumacil?

Contraindications to the use of Rinofluimacil:

The drug can also not be used if tricyclic antidepressants or MAO inhibitors are taken at the same time, or if they are taken less than two weeks before the start of Rhinofluimucil treatment.