Diarrhea tablets

Digestive disorders and intestinal disorders require immediate symptomatic treatment to alleviate the clinical manifestations of the problem and return a person to active life. Therefore, in pharmacy chains in large quantities, various diarrhea tablets are sold, which provide a quick effect, help to eliminate the signs of the disease and normalize the consistency of the stool.

Diarrhea - treatment and tablets

Naturally, for proper therapy of the disease, it is necessary first to consult a gastroenterologist and a therapist to find out the exact causes of diarrhea. But most often the problem arises suddenly and you need to overcome it as soon as possible.

Effective medications are based on the following principles:

It is rare to find a drug that provides a comprehensive impact on all of these parameters, so, as a rule, you have to buy several drugs with different treatment mechanisms and purpose.

Which pills help with diarrhea?

Given the above facts, for the treatment of the ailment in question, you should buy such medicines:

In any case, the use of these funds should correspond to the observed symptoms, the duration of diarrhea, its root cause. Also, when choosing a pill against diarrhea, it is worth paying attention to the presence of contraindications, side effects and concomitant chronic diseases.

Effective tablets from diarrhea

The described drug, in fact, does not always help, and in some cases even aggravates the situation. The mechanism of its action is too similar to opiates. Lopedium or Loperamide produces an effect on the intestinal tissue receptors that are responsible for the motility and removal of the contents. Thus, the agent allows to delay and increase the viscosity of the stool, not allowing it to be excreted from the body. It is advisable for secretory diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome , but in the case of infectious, viral, parasitic or bacterial inflammation, Lopeium only aggravates the patient's condition, causing intoxication and a wide spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood.

The best pill for diarrhea

Most gastroenterologists acknowledge that Smecta is the most preferred medicine, because this drug has no effect on motility and peristalsis, helps to eliminate pathogenic microbes, while normalizing the concentration of hydrochloric and bile acid in the lumen of the intestine.