Kashkara - medicinal properties and contraindications

Kashkara (golden rhododendron) grows in difficult for human life edges - on the slopes of mountains, in the rocks, near mountain rivers. In the areol habitat are the Kurile Islands, the mountainous regions of Asia, the Caucasus Mountains, the Altai Territory. Inhabitants of these areas, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of kashkary are more known.

The therapeutic properties of the marshmallows

Kashkara is an evergreen low bush. With medicinal purposes use its leaves, but not young, but the second-third year. The collection of medicinal raw materials is carried out at the end of spring and early summer.

  1. Most often the kashkar is positioned as a healing drug for cardiovascular diseases. Infusion of her leaves increases the tone of the heart muscle, lowers the heart rate by increasing the range of contractions, but it does not affect blood pressure. This is a very valuable quality of the plant, however, it does not limit the usefulness of the kashkari.
  2. Another important property of golden rhododendron is the ability to destroy such persistent bacteria as staphylococci, streptococci , E. coli. To get rid of these microflora infusion kashkary take 40 ml 3 times a day (only not on an empty stomach) or used to wash the skin and rinse the throat.
  3. Use kashkaru and inflammation. Effectively, such a remedy for lumbago, sciatica, acute rheumatic fever and gout. To get rid of these diseases, alcoholic tincture of kashkara, which is saturated with compresses, or baths with the decoction of this plant, is used.
  4. With nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), the medicine on the basis of the kashkari promotes the excretion of sand. To increase the effectiveness of this drug is taken with infusion of other medicinal plants. The scheme is as follows: 30-40 minutes before meals, take the infusion of rhododendron , after 20 minutes - infusion on the basis of currant leaves and flowering of the twig. But we must remember one thing: this infusion is drunk immediately after brewing - once it darkens, the healing properties are lost.


Contraindicated take kashkara during pregnancy, during lactation and in the presence of individual intolerance. In case of kidney disease, consult a doctor before starting treatment.