Solyanka Hill - medicinal properties and contraindications

It turns out that solyanka is not only a favorite dish. Solyanka Hill is also a plant with a mass of medicinal properties and some contraindications. And you should have seen this grass by all means. People call it thistle, camel thorn, roll-field, somersault weed.

The healing properties of the saltwort

Of course, the fact that a tumbling weed can be at least a little useful, it is very difficult to believe. But in the hodge-podge, in fact, there is an impressive amount of medicinal substances - such as, for example:

And if there are such components in the composition, then the therapeutic properties of the saltwort hilly can not simply not be.

To date, camel thorn is considered one of the most effective and harmless natural hepatoprotectors. Means on its basis restore liver tissue and protect the organs from negative effects. Their regular use contributes to the elimination of jaundice and prevents the development of hepatitis. Many experts recommend a roll-field for patients with cirrhosis of the liver and those patients who have undergone an intensive course of antibiotic therapy.

In the absence of warnings and contraindications, the useful properties of the hummock can be used to normalize the weight. All due to the fact that the plant can control fat metabolism. And if the excess weight appeared as a result of the violation of metabolic processes, yandak - the Solianka has a lot of popular names - it will certainly help to cope with the problem.

To the number of important healing properties of the saltwort hill it is necessary to attribute the possibility to restore the intestinal microflora. Therefore, with dysbiosis it is considered an indispensable assistant.

Due to the content of unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of the camel thorn, the plant favorably affects the state of the cardiovascular system. And alkaloids are responsible for stimulating the brain and increasing the tone of the body.

The therapeutic herb hilly solyanka can be used as a substitute for insulin - it also effectively lowers blood sugar and normalizes diabetics. In addition, funds based on camel hay are recommended for the prevention of diabetic disorders.

Solyanka is also used in cosmetology. Experts often use it to prepare various cleansing lotions and creams. Grass is an excellent antiseptic and has a wound-healing effect. And as practice shows, in the composition of sunscreen it also helps to get a uniform tan.

Indications and contraindications to the use of the saltwort

In small quantities, medicines from camel thorns will be useful to everyone. But there are such categories of patients that it will be very difficult to manage without a Russian thistle.

It is especially useful to use funds from the hololanka hill with:

Of course, like any other medicinal product, the hummock has a number of contraindications, among which:

  1. The plant should not be taken during pregnancy.
  2. Refuse to use it better and with individual intolerance.
  3. Harm the body grass can with phenylketonuria.
  4. Some patients with urolithiasis are poorly tolerating therapy with solyanka.