Ringworm in cats: treatment

The lichen causes a certain variety of fungi that affect the surface of the skin, claws and animal hair.

How to determine if a cat has lichen?

Ringworm from a domestic cat is an insidious disease, as it can manifest itself in different ways, which is why it is difficult to diagnose in some cases only by external examination. Vivid signs of hair loss - baldness of skin areas with characteristic peeling - are observed quite rarely. Usually cats just drop their hair and there is a small bald patch, while neither rashes, scabs nor scales can be observed.

For diagnostics, you may need:

How to recognize a cat alone?

One of the main signs of hair loss is hair loss, localized in one particular area of ​​the skin. In the first place, lichen infects the hair follicles, so the hair falls out even before the appearance of such symptoms as scaling or rash.

Some types of lichen are easy to identify, because they have characteristic features.

Types of hair loss in cats:

  1. Pink lichen. Affected areas of the skin are slightly pinkish round spots with a diameter of not more than 2 centimeters. The disease begins with the appearance of the so-called "mother plaque", that is, the largest spot. The skin on the "plaque" is peeling, there is an itch, which the cats try to kill with a constant scratching. Pink lichen does not require special treatment and passes itself for 6 weeks. Restrictions for the animal: you can not bathe and stay in the sun for a long time.
  2. Ringworm. It affects the scalp, ears and tail, paws and nails. It appears with spots of round shape up to 2 centimeters. Bald areas of the skin begin to peel off, there is itching. Treatment of ringworm in cats suggests the use of ointments with antifungal constituents (miconazole or thiabendazole). Wool at the place of appearance of lichen is cut out, so that it would be more convenient to apply the ointment. The main thing to remember is that after shearing the scissors need to be sterilized. If ringworm has hit a large area of ​​the skin, oral preparations are added to the ointment. Restrictions for the animal: contact with other animals ceases.
  3. Red flat lichen. Small bubbles with liquid appear on the skin. The skin and mucous membranes of the animal are affected. Owners of animals advise various means of this kind of depriving. It is believed that elecampane is an excellent cure for red lichen in cats, it is usually suggested a solution of 10 grams of elecampane per 100 g of water one spoon three times a day. Restrictions for the animal: contact with other animals, wash.
  4. Peregrine lichen. Characterized by spots of small size, from yellow to brown, without inflammation or peeling. It is most often localized on the feet, back and neck. It is extremely important to quickly begin treatment of pityriasis, since it instantly creates new foci of the disease.
  5. It is important to understand that some species of lichen, in particular, red flat and otaroid, are rapidly spreading. Red flat lichen affects not only the skin, but also the oral cavity of the animal, therefore it is impossible to engage in self-medication. It is better to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe the best remedy for depriving cats and explain in detail how to care for the animal.