How much do the guppy fry grow?

Guppies are fun and colorful aquarium fish. They do not cause any particular trouble to their owners in the content, and they also multiply regularly. The female guppy can monthly make you happy with the next replenishment.

This type of aquarium fish refers to viviparous . That is, having been born, fry are a miniature copy of adult guppies. They are fully prepared for independent nutrition and development.

Many breeders recommend keeping newborn guppy fry separately. The fact is that in the aquarium they can become the food of adult fish of other species, and will also develop a little slower.

How much should you keep the guppy fry separately?

On this account, there are different opinions. Most tend to the fact that until the full formation of fry and the transformation of the latter into sexually mature fish. This happens 1-2 months after birth. Some breeders return fry in the aquarium in a week, when they can give more or less universal food. In any case, it is necessary to fully realize that, up to the month of age, the requirements and mode of fry significantly differ from that of adult guppies.

The correct development of the juvenile guppies is characterized by increased need and regularity in feeding. At first the periodicity of it can go up to 5 times a day. The way the guppy fry grows fast will also be affected by lighting. It is recommended that the aquarium with newborn fish be illuminated around the clock, and not turned off at night, as usual.

Guppies fry grow and actively move, as a rule, closer to the water surface. And only in time they begin to learn the depth of the aquarium. How long will it take before the guppy fry finally grows and can become full-fledged dwellers of the aquarium depends on the nature of the food and care for them.