Diseases of dogs from a tick bite

With the onset of heat, many owners hurry to take dogs with them to nature. However, along with games and fun pastime animals await and danger, the main one of which is a tick. With the tick bite, single-celled parasites get into the body of a pet, which causes discomfort, and sometimes even terrible pain.

All diseases of dogs from a tick bite can be conditionally divided into two types:

The type of pathogen determines the course of the disease and the complications that may occur later.

Diseases of dogs from anthrax mites

This type of ticks is found in forest-park areas and wild forests. Spindle mites are carriers of various diseases that can eventually lead to death. Outbreaks of the disease are noted in the spring and autumn and are associated with a high activity of ticks. To this type of diseases are:

  1. Pyroplasmosis . The causative agent penetrates into the body during the bite and affects the red blood cells. The disease acts on the nervous system and internal organs. The main symptom is darkening of urine. Timely appeal to the vet guarantees a favorable prognosis. Without treatment, the dog usually dies.
  2. Ehrlichiosis . Another dog disease after the bite of icodus tick. It enters the body during a bite / bloodsucking. The severity of the course of the disease is determined by the number of microorganisms entering the blood. After the incubation period there is a fever, fever lasting 7-10 days. After a visible complication, there is a temporary improvement. However, the disease actually progresses and goes into a chronic form that is characterized by lethargy, weight loss, decreased appetite and the appearance of secondary infections. These symptoms in the complex lead to the death of the animal.

Diseases of dogs carried by microscopic ticks

In this case, the cause of the dog's disease is the subcutaneous tick . It is dislocated in the skin of the animal and affects the epidermis. The most common are demodectic and scabies mites.

  1. Demodekoznye pliers . Most often, tick infection occurs when contact with a sick animal. A tick of the genus Demodex canis, affects the limbs, tail and head. On the affected areas, wool will fall out, pink / gray crusts are formed, the skin will swell. Running demodicosis requires a long and competent treatment. The initial stage, manifested in 3-5 affected areas, can pass without specialized treatment.
  2. Scabies mites . Localized on the ears of the animal. The reaction of a dog to a tick bite is anxiety, rubbing the ears with hard objects, waving his head. As a result, wounds, ulcers and alopecia appear on the dog's head. If you do not start to treat the disease, then you may have an inflammation of the middle ear.