Third Eye

It has long been known that a person is endowed with a special perception organ that is full of mysticism - this is the third eye. More details about it are told in the cultures of the east. Unfortunately, in Western culture, ancient textbooks on esotericism, there are no references to it. In ancient India, according to myths, this organ was only in deities. It was believed that thanks to him, they are able to see the future of the universe, while they could see all the parts of the universe.

The third eye of a person, a native Hindu, is designated as a point between the eyebrows. It will not be superfluous to note that it is generally accepted that those who have this special organ are superpowers: hypnosis, clairvoyance, telepathy , the ability to see the past, the future, to draw knowledge from outer space, to overcome gravitational forces.

The magic of the third eye is in the Ajna-chakra. Often, it is associated with the pineal gland, which is located between the hemispheres of the human brain. This chakra is responsible for enlightenment. Man is able to develop it when he is able to destroy the illusions that he is surrounded. It is believed that the one who opened his third eye, becomes the owner of an ideal intuition and intelligence.

That is, the third eye is located in the zone where the epiphysis is located. It produces melatonin, which is necessary for regulating circadian rhythms.

This organ in the human physical body is responsible for the state of its nervous system, for the spine, eyes, nose.

The development of the third eye

Each person is able to reveal this unique body. It is necessary to engage in its discovery only under the supervision of a specialist, following a comprehensive scheme. It takes into account the development of the centers, the cleaning of the channels, and also the polarity is regulated in the energy meridians. For each person should be drawn up an individual scheme, helping to understand how to develop a third eye. It should be made according to the parameters of the human biofield . Opening of the Ajna-chakra is a complicated procedure. It is a serious interference in the energy structure of the individual.

Many people seek to open the third eye simply out of curiosity, despair or for self-improvement, but not all have successfully completed these attempts.

Activating the third eye - mistakes

It is worth noting that often, being keen on the discovery of a superorganism, a person is allowed to make mistakes. So, some are sure that if they look at sri-yantra for a long time, they will open their third eye. But this is not so, because this exercise is only part of the whole scheme. Haste is the next, no less important mistake in this process. Do not assume that if you are engaged in the opening of the Ajna-chakra for the second month, you are already able to succeed in this. After all, to unique abilities you can access only when you regularly practice their discovery.

Do not rush when picking up exercises for the development of the third eye. Remember that the main quality, not the number of classes. Do not rush, doing. And only after a while your hidden abilities will make themselves felt.

It is worth noting that when a person opens the third eye, he begins to see the energy And from this his life changes. When this will happen, know that you have been able to reveal your powers of the clairvoyant. Do not stop your studies. Right now they will pass with an uncharacteristic ease for you. Now that you are completing the practice, a vision can come to you. And this is quite normal.

Having revealed your abilities, you will be able to see the parts of the astral. But do not forget that your clairvoyance requires careful training, including in the initial period, when you see energy.

So, each person can open the third eye. But this requires a lot of effort and humility.