Prince Harry and singer Rihanna arrived on an official visit to Barbados

The famous native of Barbados Rihanna and the representative of the royal family of Great Britain Prince Henry of Wales have become honored guests of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of independence of the state and the official event of Toast the Nation.

Prince Harry is now on a working visit to the Caribbean and its appearance in Barbados is not accidental, until independence, the island was one of their colonies of the British Empire. As the official of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Harry congratulated Barbados on the solemn date.

As the journalists of the tabloid Huffington Post note, singer Rihanna and Prince Harry quickly found a common language. During joint events they were not separated and easily and naturally communicated.

All day celebrities were not separated and communicated like old friends
Prince Harry and Rihanna with social workers

Honorary guests supported the World AIDS Day

On the second day, honorary guests took part in the Man Aware event and discussed with the social workers and representatives of the public the issues of fighting against AIDS and HIV. It should be noted that for this region this is one of the serious problems requiring publicity and constant control by the state.

Honored guests and social workers

On World AIDS Day, Prince Harry and Rihanna decided to show by their own example how easy it is to diagnose and analyze blood for the detection of AIDS and HIV.

Harry and Rihanna publicly answered the questions of social workers before passing the tests and waited with some excitement about the procedure for collecting blood. For the 32-year-old prince, this procedure was repeated, in early 2016 he participated in such an event in London, but for a native of Barbados - it was the first time and very exciting.

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Diagnosis took a little time, but it was noticeable that the prince and the singer are worried and experience little discomfort from the publicity of the event.