Products in anemia

The appearance of anemia may be due to various causes. However, in any case, the first thing to do is to establish food. The diet must necessarily contain foods rich in vitamin B12, B9 (folic acid), folate, vitamin C and iron. Therefore, when looking for an answer to the question of what products are useful in anemia, look for products that have the components named above.

Useful products for anemia

  1. Meat products , especially turkey meat and liver, fish. These iron-containing foods in anemia should be consumed daily.
  2. Dairy products : cream, butter, as they are rich in proteins and amino acids.
  3. Vegetables : carrots, beets, legumes, corn, tomatoes, because they contain important substances for the formation of blood.
  4. Cereals : oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat. In them you can find folic acid and a whole set of substances useful for the body.
  5. Fruits : apricots, pomegranate, plums, kiwi, apples, orange. The role of vitamin C, contained in these fruits, is to help in the assimilation of iron. Therefore, after eating a portion of meat you should eat a piece of kiwi or an orange slice.
  6. Berries : strawberries , dark grapes, raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, cherries.
  7. Beer and bread yeast include minerals important for the formation of blood.
  8. Healing mineral water with iron-sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium composition. The iron contained in it is easily assimilated due to the ionized form
  9. Honey helps to assimilate iron.
  10. Products against anemia , especially saturated with iron. These include baby food, bread and confectionery.

In the article, we examined what foods are eaten in anemia. Even if the doctor has prescribed medications, the listed products must be included in their diet.