Vitamins for women after 45 years

In women aged 45 years, significantly reduced performance and fatigue, and in general this age period is associated with many, sometimes not positive, changes in the body. To correct the situation, it is important to take specially selected vitamins for women after 45 years.

Vitamins in foods

With the right combination of food, a woman, even in adulthood, will remain beautiful and healthy, which is why you need to know what vitamins are useful for taking a woman after 45 years to solve age-related problems.

Vitamin E is an assistant for women of 45 years in maintaining skin beauty. It is he who is struggling with age-related changes, makes it softer, fresher and healthier. Vitamin E is rich, as a rule, plant products: nuts, olive, sunflower oil and eggs.

Vitamin A is an important element that has a beneficial effect not only on the skin condition, but also on the eyesight. To fill the lack of vitamin A in the body, you must include in the diet of cod, liver, cream, fresh carrots, berries and fruits of red color.

Many of the fair sex are thinking about what better vitamins to take women after 45 years in the spring. Vitamin C helps prevent avitaminosis, which is very common at this time of the year, as well as preventing the loss of muscle mass and, as a result, weight gain. That's why vitamin C is very useful for women of 45 years. It also normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system and establishes metabolism. Vitamin C is a part of citrus, grapes, sauerkraut and fresh herbs.

Vitamin D, responsible for the strength of bones - a very important vitamin for women after 45 years. A sufficient amount of it in the body reduces the risk of osteoporosis and various injuries. Sources of vitamin D : sour-milk products, egg yolk and liver.

Better vitamin complexes

In addition to proper nutrition, it is worth noting and what kind of vitamin complexes it is necessary to drink to a woman after 45 years. Of the most popular to date, it can be noted: Supradin, Vitrum and Lor. "You can buy these drugs in the pharmacy, preferably after consulting a specialist." It is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes - at least 2 times a year. weakening the body and maintaining all organs and systems are normal.