Is it useful to drink kefir at night?

Kefir is not without reason called a cure for old age. About whether you can drink kefir at night, reasoned famous people. Still II Mechnikov argued that we are getting old because of problems with digestion. The putrefactive processes that develop in the intestines due to undigested food, affect not only our health, but also the appearance. Again and again, doctors and nutritionists return us to simple truths and demand that the people learn to eat right.

  1. Kefir is useful even for those who do not tolerate milk for medical reasons.
  2. Kefir is included in a variety of diets.
  3. With healthy yogurt is healthy digestion.

Quality of products affects the quality of life. Accordingly, those who are accustomed to maintain a healthy diet all their lives, are not threatened by decrepit old age with all of its sores. The body will grow old, it's a natural process. But aging will not be associated with serious disorders and dysfunction of internal organs. In general, our health is in our glass. In a glass of yogurt!

Is it useful to drink kefir at night?

Now about how much yogurt you can drink at night. One glass is enough. Some believe - as much as "fit". Light, delicious sour milk drink has a number of medicinal properties. It is enough to drink a glass of kefir in the evening, so that in the morning you will feel a pleasant lightness and a burst of energy for the whole day.

If you drink kefir at night, you can lose weight. In the morning all slags will leave the body, a natural process of recovery takes place, weight also goes away, but not so painfully as in fasting. Losing weight for the effect can be advised to add a glass of a pinch of cinnamon , a teaspoon of honey, lemon or chopped ginger (1 hl). A matter of taste. It is noticed that such natural supplements improve metabolism. Although in itself kefir is good in all respects.

Thanks to the beneficial bacteria contained in kefir, you can get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, from various intestinal infections, dysbiosis.

  1. Kefir is absorbed by the body more quickly than milk.
  2. Kefir is recommended for those who are in the process of recovery.
  3. A pleasant drink is useful both for children and for the elderly. In the diet of babies kefir will not appear until the seventh month of life. Otherwise, there are no restrictions, and yogurt can be drunk at night constantly.

What is useful kefir?

Kefir is useful because:

Kefir can have different effects on the body, depending on the shelf life. So, it is customary to distinguish:

Longer aging of the drink helps to produce more digestive juices. But some may just not like the taste of "yesterday's" kefir. Preference is given to fresh product.

Kefir is also distinguished by the properties:

What else do I need to know?


If for some reason yogurt does not suit you, then most likely, the case in the individual intolerance of the product.

Drinking yogurt is useful for restoring the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Of kefir, even make cleansing facials. Quite often kefir is drunk at night, so that nothing else can be eaten. The curative drink is capable of satisfying hunger for a short while. And then, falling asleep, you are unlikely to think about the refrigerator.

It is worth noting the soothing, relaxing effect of kefir on the body. That's why you should drink yogurt for the night.

This drink does not require additional processing - it does not need to be cooled or heated. Just at night it is useful to drink kefir at room temperature.