Mop with microfiber

Washing the sexes is not enough for anyone, but necessary and inevitable. However, technological progress in this area has proved itself. The usual mop with an old rag of questionable color was replaced by a modern mop with a microfiber rag.

What is microfiber?

To understand what makes a mop with a microfiber nozzle so good, you need to understand what is the peculiarity of this material. Microfiber is a synthetic microfibre fabric. Unlike conventional fiber fibers, microfiber fibers have a porous structure with protruding sharp edges. Thanks to this structure, microfiber can clean dirt and dust even from hard-to-reach places, such as small cracks and crevices. Moreover, this modern material is able to retain all particles of dirt, because during the harvesting process they get stuck between the fiber elements. Another surprising property of microfiber is the ability to attract dust to itself. In the process of rubbing against each other, the fibers produce a positive electrostatic charge, while dust particles have a negative charge. From the course of school physics it is known that unlike charges are attracted, thus, the dust "sticks" onto a rag from microfiber and is held until immersed in water, where the action of the charge ceases.

What are the advantages of a microfibre mop?

Based on the above properties, we can conclude that the mop for floor with microfiber is the key to quality cleaning. It can be used for wet cleaning as well as for dry cleaning. For example, if you just need to collect hair or pet hair from the floor, you can do without water, tenacious particles will cope on their own. When wet cleaning a mop with microfiber is difficult to find a replacement, because its hygroscopicity allows you to keep the amount of water 5-7 times higher than your own weight. Today, the market offers a large selection of microfiber mops - with ragdrops, with rope attachments, sets of replaceable tips for heavily soiled surfaces, as well as the most technologically advanced mops with microfiber and wringing.

Do mops have microfiber deficiencies?

One of the disadvantages is the high cost compared to other mops. Despite this, the original high cost can result in savings, as using a mop with a microfiber can be much longer than any other, due to its strength. Thin fibers are woven so tightly that the material can withstand hundreds of washes. Another disadvantage of a mop from a microfiber (not rope, and flat) - it is difficult to wash skirting boards. Another disadvantage may be the initial advantage - since microfiber keeps particles of dirt in it, on a delicate surface they can play the role of abrasive. Therefore, before cleaning the lacquered parquet, it is worth checking the nozzle for cleanliness or having a separate nozzle for the "easy-to-clean" floor.

How to care for a mop from a microfiber?

The microfibre mop is easily washed, easily dried and long retains the original appearance, but for this you can not violate certain rules. Water for washing should not be warmer than 60 degrees, the more microfiber can not be boiled, because it will lose its properties. It can be washed with detergents, but you can not use air conditioners. The particles of the emollient are stuck between the fibers, and the tissue will cease to perform its functions. If, by ignorance, the air conditioner was still used, it is possible to restore the microfiber nozzle only by repeated rinses. Also, you can not dry the microfiber on the battery.