Knee joint cyst

The knee cyst has recently become quite common. Constant stress on the knee joint, knee injuries, as well as arthrosis, arthritis and similar diseases in the elderly - all this contributes to the formation of a benign tumor localized in the popliteal fossa.

The cyst looks like a lump, it stands out considerably with the knee flexed, but the skin color does not change at this point. Cysts vary in size from two to one hundred millimeters. The larger the tumor, the greater the risk of rupture.

Symptoms of the knee cyst

Symptoms of developing the popliteal fossa cysts include the following:

Paramentic cyst of the knee joint

In the knee joint there are two meniscus :

They are pads made of cartilaginous tissue reminiscent of a crescent moon and act as a shock absorber in the joint.

At constant loads or for other reasons listed above, in one of the cartilages a shell with a mucus fluid inside the knee arises. When it moves on to the ligaments and the zone around the capsule with the liquid, a so-called paramenisk cyst is formed. The tumor reaches rather large sizes and does not disappear visually even at an extension of a knee. This type of cyst is considered the third stage of the cyst of the meniscus. If you start the disease, then the treatment is possible only through surgical intervention. With a timely treatment complex it is quite possible to get rid of the disease.

Ganglion cyst of the knee joint

This type of cyst is a spherical or oval benign formation, filled with a gelatinous transparent substance called synovial fluid. It flows from the synovial pouch of the joint.

There are single-chamber and multi-chamber ganglion cysts, which can penetrate into the peresinovial tissues.

It happens that there are no symptoms at the initial stage, only a certain discomfort is felt. But with the growth of the tumor, the nerves are squeezed around more and more, and numbness of the foot , tingling of the sole begins, there may be a feeling of cold below the knee, difficulty in movement and pain.