Herpes on the lips of a child

The cause of herpes in children is the weakening of immunity. By the age of three, 90% of children are infected with herpes simplex virus. It does not manifest itself until immunity is at a high level. As soon as the defenses of the body weaken, the disease immediately climbs out. Most often it affects the mouth and lips of the patient, less often the genitals.

Herpes is manifested "fever" on the lips, which looks like small bubbles with a transparent yellowish liquid. Code they burst, in their place a crust is formed. Not only that the rash does not differ aesthetic beauty, so it also itches badly. Children of the first year of life, as a rule, are not infected with the herpes simplex virus. With the mother's milk, their body received immune protection. If the mother does not have such protection, and this happens in very rare cases, the illness in infants is very difficult and often with complications.

The cause of herpes can be hypothermia, overheating, or emotional stress. If possible, protect the child from these conditions. They do not give anything good to the body.

How to treat herpes in children?

To completely rid the body of the herpes virus, modern medicine can not. To relieve symptoms, use local ointments from herpes for children. Such as, acyclovir or zovirax. These drugs are freely distributed in pharmacies and at the same time have a positive effect. They can stop the development of the virus and speed up recovery.

Today in pharmacies you can find a lipstick with an antiviral effect. You do not need to use it all the time. But with the appearance of the first signs of herpes: redness, itching, smear the affected area.

Herpes on the face of the child during the first few days can spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, do not allow the baby to comb the blisters, and when applying the ointment use a cotton swab.

If improvement is not observed after seven days from the beginning of treatment, consult a doctor for advice.

To prevent recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to maintain immunity at a high level. For this, in the cold season you can drink a course of immunity. This drug contains an extract of echinacea and has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of immunity. Perfectly cope with their task and the candle wiferon. They need to be inserted for 5 days. They strengthen health and save from frequent manifestations of herpes.