How to cook Forshmak?

From German, "forshmak" translates as a snack. Moreover, the Germans and Scandinavians prepare it not only from fish ( forshmak from herring ), but also from chicken, lamb, cottage cheese, mushrooms, and then they also bake. But the fishfish familiar to us all already refers to Jewish cuisine. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare delicious forshmak from different types of fish and meat.

Forsham of anchovy



Hamsa mine, we remove our heads and ridges. Onions are cut into several parts. Apple is cleaned from seeds and peel and also arbitrarily cut. All the ingredients are passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender. In the resulting mass, add the softened butter, the yolk with the mustard, and mix well. Dice the boiled squirrels and add to our dish. Once again, a good mix. Before serving on the table forshmak from anchovy is better to hold in the refrigerator, you can even put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Delicious forshmak of anchovy is ready!

Forshmack from mackerel



Potatoes and eggs boil, clean and cut into small cubes. Onion finely crumb and fry in a small amount of sunflower oil, and then directly put a butter in the frying pan (in principle, you can immediately fry onions in butter). We remove the mackerel, remove the bones, and cut the fillet into small cubes. All the ingredients are mixed. Such forshmak can be spread on bread, or you can just eat like a salad.

Forshmak from salmon

In this recipe, salmon can be replaced with any other red fish - salmon, trout.



From half an orange squeeze out the juice, mix it with honey. The root of ginger is purified. We need a piece about the size of a clove of garlic. Salmon, we randomly chop the onions. All the ingredients are put in a blender and crushed. After this, add mustard and chopped dill. Serve such forshmak on toast from black bread or on slices of boiled or baked potatoes.

Forshmak from meat



Beef with herring, onions and potatoes we pass through a meat grinder. In the received weight we add 1 crude egg, sour cream, salt, pepper to taste and well we mix. Bread cut in half, from the bottom we take out the pulp, and the rest of the bottom is moistened with milk. From above spread the resulting mass, sprinkle with grated cheese and pour with melted butter. Bake in the oven until browned. We serve the table hot.

How is forshmak prepared from canned fish?



This dish is suitable for any preserving, you can, for example, take as a basis prepared at home sprats . From the tins we drain the liquid and remove the bones. Eggs cook hard-boiled and clean. Fish, onions, eggs and melted cheese are crushed in a blender or let through a meat grinder. Then add the mayonnaise and mix. Forshmak is served to the table on pieces of baguette, decorating on top with leaves of parsley and slices of lemon.