Planting a pumpkin in the open ground

Pumpkins are not only tasty, but also beautiful. So they will not only decorate your dining table, but also a beautiful ornament of your garden, because mature pumpkins are like small suns that fell to the ground. In addition, a huge plus is that growing pumpkins in the open - a fairly simple matter that does not require much time and effort. And since the pumpkins are so beautiful, tasty and easy to clean, then let's take a closer look at how to plant a pumpkin into the open ground to pamper yourself with delicious dishes with its fragrant flesh and stare with its bright orange sides.

How to plant a pumpkin in the country?

So, the first question that will appear to you is how to plant a pumpkin correctly? This question, perhaps, is the most important, because the correct planting depends on the development of the plant. Let's consider in detail the process of planting a pumpkin in the open ground.

Planting a pumpkin is produced by seeds. Before planting, it is desirable to treat them to check that they have no diseases and pests. To do this, they need to be soaked for a short time in twenty-five percent salt solution. All healthy seeds will fall to the bottom of the tank, but seeds that are not all right will float to the surface.

Before planting seeds in the ground, they must be germinated. Most of the seeds are germinated in sawdust, but you can also use moist gauze. After the seeds germinate, they are planted in pots or plastic cups. But the seedlings can be planted only when three full-fledged sheets are already formed.

Now it's time to choose a place for planting a pumpkin. It is not advisable to plant a pumpkin in the ground where before any of these crops grew - potatoes, watermelon, melon, sunflower. Also need to pay attention to the fact that you can not plant a pumpkin and the place where it grew last year. On the old place to return the pumpkin can only five years from now.

The soil before planting must be dug and fertilized. For manure, manure, compost, potash fertilizer and so on are ideal.

Pumpkin Care

As mentioned earlier, caring for a pumpkin is very simple and easy, since it is a unpretentious plant. But still, as in the care of any other plants, in caring for the pumpkin there are some rules, little things that you need to observe that get a good harvest in your beds. So, let's look at these little things.

Watering . Pumpkin needs frequent and abundant watering, especially during the heat, as it is the owner of a fairly large root system, consuming a large amount of moisture. But it is necessary to know that just before harvesting, the pumpkin needs to stop watering, then it will retain more sugar and will be better stored.

Fertilizers . The pumpkin reacts to very different kinds of fertilizers very, very well. For manure , manure is good, as well as ash , especially if your soil is not particularly rich in potassium.

In general, this is all those simple rules that you need to know about caring for the pumpkin. As you can see, there are very few of them and their compliance will not cause much trouble.

Planting a pumpkin and caring for it - a simple matter, as you already had time to be sure, after reading the above written. So planting this plant is a profitable enterprise, after all you receive an ornament for your beds and tasty dishes on your table, while not applying any very special titanic efforts. But with the question "what pumpkin to plant?" It is better to understand independently, because in care all varieties of pumpkins are approximately the same, so you can safely choose the variety that you just have more to your liking.