Why do cucumbers rot in a greenhouse?

To imagine the summer without tasty, crispy cucumber is almost impossible. This unpretentious vegetable is grown, perhaps, in every small kitchen garden. And those who want to harvest early, grow cucumbers in the greenhouse. But even here various problems are possible. So, for example, site owners are interested in why decay of cucumbers in a greenhouse .

White rot in cucumbers

With high humidity and lack of ventilation in the greenhouse, many fungal diseases often arise and successfully multiply, for example, white rot caused by a sclerotinia fungus. This is the most common reason why decay stalks of cucumbers in the greenhouse. In addition to the stems, other plant parts are affected, a white fluffy coating appears on the leaves and fruits.

Gray rot in cucumbers

One of the most common reasons why rotten ovary cucumbers in a greenhouse, may be the so-called gray rot. Sharp temperature changes, watering with cold water often leads to the development in the greenhouse conditions of this fungal disease, especially in weakened plants. On the stem, leaves, ovaries and fruits, characteristic moist spots of gray-brown color develop.

Vertex rot in cucumbers

Unfortunately, the diseases in cucumbers are not limited to the above two. Vertex rot is the main reason why the tips of cucumbers decay in the greenhouse. The onset of the disease is commemorated by the appearance of a local focus: at the end of a small fetus a dry dark-brown patch appears. Under this spot the flesh of the cucumber rot. Over time, the growth of the plant slows down, its leaves begin to wither or curl. In the unfavorable course of the disease, the root system and apical bud die.

Brown spot on cucumbers

Brown spot, or cladosporium - characteristic of greenhouses, especially film, a disease that occurs if the summer is cool and rainy. First, a leaf of olive color appears on the leaves and stem. If you do not take measures, the disease will move higher, affecting not only the petioles, but also the fruits. Cladosporium is a common reason why small cucumbers rot in a greenhouse. The fruits first appear dry, as if pressed into spots, which subsequently acquire a gray-olive coating. The spots go to the sores, and the flesh of the cucumber beneath the skin becomes brown and rot. It is clear that the development and growth of fruits stops, it is deformed and must be removed.