Buckwheat - good and bad

Buckwheat is well-known to all, we have not thought about its origin, nor about the properties of cereals for a long time. For example, today it is unlikely that someone will tie the brown grain with Greece, although our ancestors believed that it comes to Russia from this country, through Byzantium. That's why they gave her the nickname "walnut". But historians believe that it would be more correct to call it Indian or Eastern, because its spread to the West began with this state and other powers of the ancient East. However, in Europe buckwheat for a long time associated with the Arab-Turkish direction, and after the appearance of the famous works of K. Linnaeus, here it began to be called "beech wheat" or "god-like nuts". At present, confusion with names has already become a memory, and few know about the glorious past of buckwheat. But a lot of people know about the benefits of buckwheat for weight loss, to cleanse the intestines, to saturate the body with valuable substances, etc. unique properties.

Benefit of boiled buckwheat

Buckwheat can be cooked in different ways. Nutritionists are advised to steam it with boiling water and to soak for several hours in a sealed container. Such croup is considered the most useful. But not everyone likes this raw semi-finished product, that's why they cook more buckwheat, because with this method, all valuable vitamins and trace elements that are extremely rich in this product are stored in heat. First of all, it concerns vitamins of group B and iron, which in buckwheat grains contain a huge amount. If you eat even a few spoons of cereal every day, you can get rid of anemia, depression, stomach problems, cleanse the intestines and blood vessels. This is also the benefit of buckwheat for the liver, because it removes most of the harmful substances and toxins from this organ.

It will bring even more benefit to the body of buckwheat with milk. This nourishing simple dish can for a long time pacify hunger and normalize the appetite in general, which is very important for those who strive to maintain their weight at an acceptable level. Milk can be replaced with yogurt or kefir.

People do not doubt the benefits of buckwheat, but the dangers of its excessive use all stubbornly forgotten. But this product is capable of provoking constipation, unpleasant sensations in the stomach, increased blood sugar and even attacks of allergy. Therefore, eat it with caution and in combination with vegetables or dried fruits.

Benefits of germinated buckwheat

Everyone knows the brown groats are obtained after drying and roasting, so the grain is protected from mold, rot and parasites. But there is a grade of buckwheat , which does not undergo such treatment, it is considered more useful. It's about green buckwheat, which can not only be cooked as usual, but also used to produce germinated seeds. Buckwheat, which gave germs, is a "live" product, in which the original valuable properties of cereals double. It has more antioxidants and active substances, it quickly satiates, without heavier stomach, and is fully absorbed by the body. Thanks to the high content of such an element as routine, sprouted buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system, it excels cholesterol excellently. And, like the usual brown croup, it promotes active weight loss. But besides the benefits and harm in buckwheat, which gave sprouts, there is also. It can not be eaten in unreasonably large quantities, as it promotes increased gas production and can cause unpleasant sensations in the intestines. It is better to include it in your menu three to four times a week.