Art Deco Style

The art deco style, characteristic of the art of the second half of the 30s of the 20th century, now returns to the fashion scene again. In a rethought, modernized form, decorations and interiors in the Art Deco style are increasingly appearing on the pages of fashion magazines.

Art Deco style history

The Art Deco style appeared at the junction of neoclassicism and modernity and finally took shape in an independent direction by 1925. The most widespread was in America, and from there it moved to Europe. Art deco style was a kind of response to all the horrors and hardships of the First World War, when all life was subordinated to one goal, and there was simply no time left for beautiful things. For the Art Deco style, the accentuated decorativeness of all elements, pretentiousness, smooth curvature of lines, the use of unusual and stylistically alien elements are characteristic: Indian and Egyptian ornaments, non-standard ornaments. From Art Nouveau art deco is distinguished precisely by this decorative orientation. Despite the general passion for adornment Art Nouveau is still a functional style, where content is more important than form, for art deco shape, appearance is primary and important.

Modern Art Deco

Modern art deco is, of course, not a complete copying of the style of the 1930s, but a creative reinterpretation of it. Art-deco style in clothes is characterized by the desire for ephemeral silhouette, which is achieved using light, translucent fabrics. A large number of draperies, a complex cut, a combination of shiny material with matte, the use of fabrics with a shiny texture: silk, velvet, embroidered sequins - all this is typical for modern art deco orders. Art deco decorations have become very popular - massive, unusual, with a lot of pendants and a wide use of artificial stones. Fashion Art Deco always strives for maximum decorative image and unusual treatment of things. This is expressed in a bold combination of dresses of classic cut with jewelry with national motives. The most suited to such images are Art Deco colors, rich and classic: white, black, gold, bright red, ruby, blue, emerald green. Sometimes there are interspersed pastel shades, but they are always used in combination with bright colors and shade them, or with materials of brilliant texture.