Modern Clothing

Fashion is an independent direction, which, along with many other spheres of human life, is developing very actively. Especially striking changes, she began to endure in the late XIX - early XX century. It was then that the history of the Art Nouveau style began in clothing.

The epoch of Art Nouveau in clothes

Its beginning was laid down by Europe. The ancestor was the French fashion designer Paul Poiret. Special influence on Poiret was provided by artists with whom he communicated. Their paintings inspired him so much that the fashion designer decided to express his feelings and give vent to his fantasies in his new works.

It is worth noting that the reflection of clothes in the style of Art Nouveau fashion designers found in mother nature. They tried in every possible way to give the female silhouette the shape of a butterfly or a flower.

From the 19 th century modern style in clothes gradually passed into the age of 20, but on the eve of the First World War, he gave way to more comfortable outfits. First of all, women of fashion had to give up corsets .

This innovation was supported in 1903 by Isadora Duncan, who performed in a flying dress without a corset, gently tightening the figure.

Of no small importance in the women's clothing modernity always played decorative elements, such as appliques, drawings, embroidery. Most often they were leaves, flowers, seaweed. Orders were decorated with beads and stones. Round hats and massive costume jewelry complemented the image.

In general, the clothes in the Art Nouveau style at that time were absolutely everything, but the shoes meant belonging to this or that social class. It was made of suede, leather or silk fabric.

Currently, the Art Nouveau style is distinguished by the lack of clear lines in the outfits. Curved, smooth contours are the basis. A bright representative of modern modernism was the tragically lost in 2010 designer with a world name Alexander McQueen. Particular preference in the outfits he gave to the tissues and decorative elements reminiscent of the skin of reptiles.

So, the main purpose of this style is the manifestation of individuality in all its diversity.