Anti-cellulite massage by banks

Unfortunately, with age, many women on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks appear "orange peel" - cellulite. This problem is caused by the fact that adipose tissue accumulates under the skin, forming tubercles and fossa, which not only looks not aesthetically pleasing, but also is unsafe for health. Before you fight cellulite, you need to find out the reasons for its appearance: if the main cause is poor nutrition, then without a change in the diet will not help, either massages, no cream, or magic cosmetic procedures. If the cause is in excess weight, then the massage will help only in conjunction with the change in diet and exercise. However, do not despair: the road will be mastered by the going, the main thing is to start and not to quit the business half way, then you will be able to return the smooth, beautiful skin and again become attractive.

Vacuum massage

Today, one of the most popular means of combating cellulite is the anti-cellulite massage by banks. The first thing you need is to consult a doctor, preferably not with a beautician, but with a therapist: anti-cellulite massage with vacuum cans has contraindications, and the main task of everyone is not to make it worse than it is. What are the contraindications? These are all those skin problems that the vacuum will only aggravate: increased skin sensitivity, the presence of microcracks, dryness. Contraindicated anti-cellulite massage by banks and people suffering from varicose veins, having various tumors, suffering from anemia, people with diabetes. Strictly forbidden anti-cellulite massage vacuum banks pregnant. If the doctor has approved this method of fighting cellulite, like vacuum massage, get everything you need (cans, massage and essential oils, creams and body masks) or sign up for procedures in the beauty salon.

Choose a good product

If you want to get an effect, take it responsibly to the choice of cans. Experts advise choosing silicone jars or cans of polymer-glass. In no case do not buy such products from hand, in unreliable places - only pharmacies and specialized stores and stores can track the quality of near medical and cosmetic products. Be vigilant - your health depends on it. For anti-cellulite massage, you can use a vacuum electric massager. Acquire oils, gels and creams. Without them, it is difficult to do with the implementation of anti-cellulite massage by the banks: on the oil lubricated skin, the vacuum bank slips better, so there are no bruises and bruises, and essential oils (grapefruit oil, orange, lemons, tea tree, lavender and others) strengthen the anti-cellulite effect. After the massage, the skin needs nutrition, so you need masks and creams. Anti-cellulite cream, by the way, for vacuum massage is not suitable - they are quickly absorbed and do not give the desired effect.

Massage techniques

If you do not know how to do massage with cans, carefully read the instructions that come with them. Massage is performed on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen. Before the procedure, take a shower, but do not steam out the skin, dry yourself and apply a small amount of massage oil or gel to the selected area. Massage the belly with cans in the following way: lightly squeeze the jar or special nozzle onto it, attach it to the skin, then drive in circles, zigzagging or right to left to problem zone. After bringing the jar to the border of the zone, carefully unplug it and repeat the procedure. If the instructions or internet tips do not help you, ask the cosmetologist in the salon how to do anti-cellulite massage by banks correctly. Remember that only a safe, properly performed massage of the stomach with vacuum cans will give the result. As for anti-cellulite thigh massage, it is important to follow the same rules when performing it, but the movements should be in one direction only - from the bottom up, cautious and smooth. To begin massage it is necessary from a place approximately on a palm above a patella and to finish near a buttock. Categorically it is impossible to do vacuum massage on the inside of the thigh - this can lead to damage to blood vessels.