Preparing the onion for planting in spring is the best way and means

The recommended procedure is to prepare the onion for planting in spring, which includes several mandatory procedures. It is important to soak, and to use for this you can use various useful solutions, most importantly, to conduct procedures according to the rules.

How to prepare the onion for the landing?

To protect the planting material from numerous diseases, to improve the yield and to accelerate the appearance of greenery, it is recommended to include several stages in preparation:

  1. Sorting. First three weeks before planting, you need to sort out the onion, removing unsuitable specimens. They include rotten, dried up and cracked bulbs. After the calibration is carried out, large heads should be planted first, as they sprout more slowly, but they give many green feathers.
  2. Drying. Preparing the onion sowing implies that it will be kept in a warm place, where there are no drafts. It is important that the temperature is not less than 18 ° C, and the humidity of the air is minimal. Boxes with onions can be placed on a window sill or cupboard.
  3. Warming up. This stage of preparation is lengthy and it should be divided into two steps. First, the planting material is kept at a temperature of + 20 ° C for 15-20 days. The second stage lasts only 10 hours and the onion should be placed in a place where the temperature is 30-40 ° C. It is important not to over-ride the planting material, as it can be spoiled. Warming is needed in order to avoid the early appearance of arrows.
  4. Processing stimulants of growth. After warming up, to accelerate the process of germination and increase the yield, the use of special preparations (Epin-Extra, Biostim and Silk) or folk remedies is recommended. The most accessible option is wood ash, in which there is a lot of potassium and natural antiseptics. It is necessary to take 5 liters of water and add 250 g of ash. Bulbs should be immersed in the solution for 10 minutes, and then they are dried for three hours.
  5. Pruning. If planting in the spring is planned on a small plot, then it is recommended to include the process of trimming the bulbs in preparation. The cut of the apex promotes acceleration of sprouting of the shoot and creates excellent conditions for vegetation. Due to pruning, the soaking effect can be improved. It is important not to cut too much, as this can cause rotting bulbs. Cut should be 1/3 of the top.
  6. Disinfection and soaking. In preparation of the onion for planting in spring, these procedures must be present. The effective options will be described below.

How to soak onion onion before planting?

Ogorodniki argue over whether training by soaking is effective. To determine for yourself whether it is worthwhile to conduct such a procedure, you should evaluate the existing advantages and disadvantages. Numerous ways to soak onion before planting in spring have such advantages: they activate the growth process, disinfect, prevent rot and provide protection of soil and planting material. Disadvantages arise from improper preparation, which can spoil the entire onion.

Soaking onion in a salt solution

To improve germination and protect it from many diseases and pests preparation may include treatment in a salt solution. It should be carried out right before landing in the spring. In order to soak onions before steeping in salt, prepare a solution: dilute in 2 liters of water 20-30 g of salt or sea salt. Lasting soak should be 3-4 hours. After that, the onion should be extracted and spread in one layer on paper or cloth to dry.

Soaking the onion in a seedling in the manganese before planting

One of the most popular procedures in the preparation of planting material is disinfection with the help of potassium permanganate. This procedure protects against negative factors, diseases and pests. To soak the onions in the potassium permanganate, prepare the solution, adding 40 g of potassium permanganate to 10 liters of water. The treatment should last for 2.5-3 hours. After that, the planting material should be dried.

Soaking onion onion in ammonia

With this procedure, which can be included in the preparation of onions in the spring, the sprouting time is accelerated and protection from various diseases and pests is provided. To soak onion onions in ammonia, you should prepare a solution, adding 10 liters of water 2 tbsp. spoons means. The procedure lasts no more than an hour, and you can also spray, and then dry the planting material.

Soak onion in a soda before planting

With the use of soda is associated with several myths. The most important of these - this treatment before planting can not prevent the rifle when the onion ripens. In preparation, soaking onion in a soda solution will disinfect the planting material. It is recommended to conduct heat treatment, that is, use hot water, the temperature of which should not be more than 45 ° C. In 10 liters of liquid, add 1 teaspoon of soda. Leave the bulbs in solution no more than 10-15 minutes.

Soaking onion onion before planting in "Fitosporin"

In the composition of this preparation there are bacteria that fight with pathogenic microorganisms in the earth. " Fitosporin " for soaking onion, the sowing is sold in the form of a powder, which is bred in standing water. It is important to observe the proportion: 10-20 g of powder per 0.5 liters of water. Preparing the onion for planting in spring, that is, soaking will last 5-10 minutes. Another option is spraying bulbs. After that, they must dry out.

How to prepare a bed for spring onion in spring?

Experts advise to process not only planting material, but also the site where the planting in the spring will be carried out.

  1. First select the area, remembering that the onion of the seva loves light, so the land must be open.
  2. Preparation should begin in the autumn, for which the land is well loosened and dug to a depth of 20 cm. It is recommended to make fertilizer - humus and manure .
  3. If in the autumn the plot was not fertilized, then the soil is prepared for onion in spring.