Kiwano Fruit

The variety of fruit on the shelves of modern supermarkets is amazing. It has long been possible to easily buy not only fruits grown in domestic gardens, but also exotic fruits brought from other continents. Until recently, even the names of tropical fruits were difficult to remember, and now there is an opportunity not only to enjoy their taste, but even to grow them on their plot. To such fruits belongs and kivano, a representative of the family of the Pumpkin and the Ogurtsov family, whose homeland is Africa.

Outwardly, the fruit of the kiwano resembles a small-sized melon covered with fleshy spines. In different countries, this fruit is called differently: both horned melon, and anguria, and an African cucumber, and an English tomato. To describe in words the exotic taste of the kiwana fruit is difficult, because it harmoniously combines both sugary sweetness, and light sourness, and an amazing aroma. In addition, the kiwana cucumber is not only extremely tasty, but also very useful, as it contains microelements necessary for the body, as well as a mass of vitamins, beta-carotene and potassium. And for girls who follow the figure, but can not deny themselves sweet, this fruit is indispensable, because its caloric value is approaching zero! Useful kivano and for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Cultivation of the kiwano

It's amazing, but growing a kiwano in the home is not only a very practical occupation, but even accessible to beginners in gardening and gardening. Most often, the kiwana is grown from seeds. All that is needed is a substrate, a pot and seeds. Seeds before planting should be put on a cloth moistened with water, wrapped and wait until their peel slightly softens. One day is enough. The next day they are sown in a fertile substrate, fertilized with microelements, cover the capacity with food film. A few days later, the seeds "proklyutsya", and the film can be removed. Watering the plant needs a lot, but be sure to take care of the drainage . The "green dragon", as the kivana is also called, is a liana, so in the pot you need to make props that the plant will braid with its trunk.

If the temperature in the street does not drop below 12-15 degrees at night, then the kiwana can be transplanted into the open ground. Place should be chosen such that there are no drafts, and the sun's rays fell on the plant at least 6-7 hours a day. Do not forget that the kivana needs props!

Further care for the kiwana is similar to the care of all the plants of the Pumpkin family: regular watering, weeding, weed removal and top dressing.

To gourmets on a note

Now you know how to grow a kiwana on your site, but how about in what form it is? If you are interested in getting the most benefit, then the kiwana is immediately after the fruit is ripped off, that is, in its raw form. Thus, both ascorbic acid and PP vitamins are preserved, which has a beneficial effect on immune system. Clean the rind of the fruit, cut it across and cut out the entire flesh. You can enjoy exotic taste!

Kiwano perfectly combines with other fruits, so it will be an excellent addition to fruit salad. If you like soft cheeses and ice cream, then the pulp of the African cucumber will give piquancy to delicacies. It combines the taste of kivano with seafood, and with meat salads, and with milkshakes.

Kivano is a fruit that will enrich your diet, make dishes unusual and fragrant, strengthen immunity. He, no doubt, deserves to be on your table.