Lake Tiberias

Israel is famous not only for its historical sights and religious sites, there are amazing natural attractions that attract hundreds of thousands of tourists to this country every year. One of them is the Tiberias Lake, which is also known from the biblical texts.

Lake Tiberias - description

The lake bore many names that were relevant in different historical epochs. In the evangelical texts it was listed as the Sea of ​​Galilee, the Gennesaret Lake, in the ancient Israel chronicles - the Sea of ​​Galilee.

Tiberias Lake (Israel) is a freshwater pond around which recreation areas and tourist facilities are located. The uniqueness of the Sea of ​​Galilee is that it lies below sea level by more than 200 m, this is the lowest fresh water lake in the world. The maximum depth of Tiberias Lake is 45 m. On its shore is one of the largest cities of Israel - Tiberias .

Tiberias Lake is located on the map in the north-east of the country on the very border with the Palestinian Authority. Because of this peculiarity and the tense political situation, for a long time some of the sights on the lake shore were in a dilapidated state and desolate.

The lake is fed by numerous freshwater streams and springs, but the main source filling the pond is the Jordan River. Thus, in the lake there is a constant circulation and a natural purification of water. In addition, the Kinneret is the main source of fresh water in the country. The amount of fish caught per year in the waters of the lake does not decrease, but, on the contrary, due to the rational use of resources, increases.

Rest in Israel is a year-round phenomenon. Climatic conditions contribute to this, and the shores of Lake Tiberias are no exception. The average air temperature in this area is + 18-20ºС in January-February. The biggest surprise that can wait for tourists at this time of year on the lake is unexpected evening storms, which are caused by a sharp temperature drop.

What to see for tourists?

Tiberias Lake (Israel), a photo of which can be seen in tourist guidebooks, is an incredibly amazing and beautiful place with contrasting landscapes. It will not leave indifferent any traveler and will help complete the picture of the idea of ​​the amazing country of Israel.

When planning a trip to Lake Tiberias, it is worth paying attention not only to historical sights, but also to take time to unite with nature and rest at this pond. In the nearby settlements you can find many interesting places:

  1. In the city of Tiberias are the ruins of one of the oldest synagogues , in Judaism this city is considered sacred.
  2. In Hamei-Tiberias there are healing mud sources , there are 17 of them, here you can go through a course of treatment with muds enriched with mineral salts.
  3. One of the main attractions of Tiberias Lake is the ancient city of Capernaum . Today, only ruins remained from him, worth visiting and climbing the mountain, where the Sermon on the Mount was read, which Jesus Christ read.

How to get there?

To get to the lake, you need to get to the city of Tiberias, near which it is located. To him go the bus company "Egged", which leave from Tel Aviv every half hour.