How to collect the seeds of zinnia?

A beautiful, bright flower garden is a real pride for its owner. Alas, the merits of annuals - the possibility of annual renewal of the flowerbed and its variability - turn into flaws. Namely - the need every year to re-buy the seeds of the plants you like. Fortunately, most garden flowers give quality seeds, which a skilled florist can quite easily build on their own, thus obtaining the desired seed material, while saving time in searching and money for buying the right plants.

In this article we will tell you how to properly collect and sort the seeds of tsinia flowers.

Collecting seeds of cyania

Collecting the seeds of chinens is easy - for this you only need to choose a beautiful flower and, after waiting, when it completely ripens (blossoms) and dries, cut it off. Please note that it takes a long time to fully mature the seeds - about 55-65 days, so for these purposes it is better to leave the first flowers on the flower bed. By the way, it is flowers that blossomed first, most often they are the largest and brightest, so that in doing so, you also carry out selection work - every year you choose the earliest, largest and most beautiful specimens for reproduction.

A dried flower with a brown seed basket after cutting can be further dried. After this, carefully pull the petals and select the seeds from the center of the basket at the base of the flower seeds. Seeds are sorted, dried once more and stacked in paper bags for storage. Sorting is important in cases where you have firmly decided to multiply on your site only one type of zini - simple or terry. Keep them, like all other seeds of flowers-annuals, should be in a dry, cool dark place, not allowing the formation of mold or fungal diseases.

How do seeds of cynia look like?

Selecting seeds, you can notice that in one seed basket are placed just a few of their kinds: shield-shaped flat, sharp spear triangular and elongated seeds with a sharp subulate tail. Of these varieties most often grow different types of cynias, so it is better to sort each species separately.

From seed-scutes with notches on the edge grow simple cynia (not terry), even if the parent plant was terry. Seed spears, for the most part, also sprout in non-marble or semi-double flowers.

And here is the third species - strongly elongated seeds with a gray tongue that is subulate - turn into magnificent curvaceous terry cynias. As a rule, these seeds are located in the outer rows of the seed basket.

Of course, terry inflorescences of cynias are more effective, but remember that they become such only under the condition of careful and proper care. If you do not have enough time or work fuse to constantly monitor the flower garden, stop on semi-double or simple cynicism - they are more resistant to diseases, the vagaries of the weather and the mistakes of beginning florists.