Peanut halva

Halva is the eastern sweetness known to everyone since childhood. It stands in line with such popular treats as kozinaki, rahat-lukum and nougat. We suggest you today to prepare a very fragrant peanut halva, which turns out not only tasty, but also useful, as it contains some vitamins. Peanuts, included in its composition, reduces the amount of cholesterol and improves the work of the brain. It removes depression, heals the body, and also improves the work of the nervous system. However, always remember that peanut halva is quite caloric, so it should be eaten very carefully, knowing the measure!

The recipe for peanut halva



Peanut lightly fry in a pan and clean from the peel. We also pour the flour separately, stirring, to a yellowish color. Then chop the nuts with a blender, add flour and whisk again. As a result, we should get a homogeneous mass of light cream color with a rich aroma. Next, combine the sugar with vanilla sugar, pour in water, mix, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil the syrup for about 5 minutes, adding carefully the vegetable oil. After that, pour the sweet syrup into the peanut mixture and mix well until thick. Now put the mass in the mold, compact it and leave the halva until it cools down completely. After about 30 minutes, the finished eastern sweetness can be served to hot tea!

Home-made peanut butter



Dry the nuts in a hot frying pan. Also in a dry saucepan, we heat both cream varieties to a cream shade. Then grind the peanuts and walnuts in a blender to a fine crumb, pour the flour and mix. Vanilla and ordinary sugar is thrown into the water, bring the liquid to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes. Then we introduce vegetable oil and remove it from the fire. The hot sugar mixture is gently poured into a dry mass and mixed vigorously until smooth. Then we shift the future halva into a baked form for baking, tamped it well and put it in a cool place. After 45 minutes, shift the homemade peanut halva to a plate, decorate with mint leaves and serve it to the table.