How to make lemonade at home?

One of the most popular drinks in the summer is lemonade. In contrast to its shop counterpart, the home-made product contains significantly less sugar, completely eliminates the addition of artificial colors and flavor enhancers, and the summer assortment of products allows the implementation of a huge variety of recipes. About how to make lemonade at home, we will describe in detail below.

Orange lemonade at home

Orange lemonade absorbed all the tremendous citrus flavor and aroma. Apart from the oranges themselves, lemons will give a strong sourness to drink, and sweetness - a small amount of honey.



Prepare a light honey syrup. To do this, heat a small amount of water until warm and dilute honey in it. Finished syrup slightly cool and mix with the remaining water. Supplement the drink with citrus juice and ice. Serve, additionally decorated with a slice of orange.

Lemonade from tarhuna at home

We used to distinguish the "Tarhun" on supermarket shelves by the characteristic emerald green color, but the natural drink from this fragrant herb is not at all distinguished by the brightness of its purchased counterpart because of its naturalness.



Put the washed sprigs of tarhun into a jug and rub them with sugar so as to disrupt the integrity, but not turn into mush. Pour the resulting mass with about a glass of boiling water to dissolve the sugar, then top up the lemon juice and the remaining water. Allow the drink to cool completely.

Ginger lemonade at home

Get from the drink not only the maximum taste and cooling effect, but also benefit, you can if you use the useful roots of ginger and turmeric. Such a bright drink will protect yourself from the summer cold.



Cut the roots of ginger and turmeric, put a rosemary to them and fill with a glass of hot water. Leave the fragrant broth on minimum fire for about 10 minutes, then strain the liquid, add the remaining water, honey and pieces of lime. Pour out and serve the drink only after pre-cooling.

Lemonade at home recipe with mint

One of the most refreshing ingredients is mint. Its leaves often find a place not only in soft drinks, but this time we will again pay tribute to the mint, having started it in the course of the lemonade recipe.



Place mint leaves in a bowl of blender and beat them with grated ginger and sugar. Do not expect a homogeneous paste, but simply beat the leaves as finely as possible, extracting as much flavor as possible. At this preparation of lemonade at home is almost finished. Add the mint paste to the jug and pour it with lemon juice and water. Leave until completely cooled, then pour into glasses and serve.

Strawberry lemonade at home



Squeezing out the juice from a dozen lemons, strain it and combine it with water and sugar. Pour the mixture into a jug, put the leaves of basil and berries, and then beat everything with a submerged blender until the leaves are ground, and the lemon itself does not turn pink. Serve with ice or after pre-cooling.