Apricots - caloric content

Apricots - favorite by many summer delicacy, which, thanks to its excellent taste, perfectly replaces high-calorie desserts. Like all the gifts of nature, it has a mass of useful substances that allow you to enrich the body and strengthen health. Consider how you can use this fruit as an ingredient in the diet for weight loss , as well as the nutritional value of apricot.

Caloric content of fresh apricots

If you consider the calorie content of fresh apricots, it becomes obvious that this is a very light product: 100 grams account for only 41 calories. Of this amount, 0.9 g - vegetable protein, 0.1 - fat and 10.8 - carbohydrates.

It is worth considering that apricot - fruit is incredibly sweet, so its composition is represented mainly by carbohydrates. In this regard, such a fruit should not be imposed on those who suffer from diabetes.

Caloric value of one apricot

Calculate the calorie content of apricots can be individually, since most of the representatives of this fruit are approximately equal in size. The scientists found that the weight of the average apricot is 26 g, which means that its calorific value is about 10 kcal.

Despite the fact that the caloric content of apricots is quite low, people still manage to "sort through" the calories by eating them in excessive quantities. Do not forget - a measure is important to know in everything, and even light fruits should not be abused.

Caloric content of dried apricots

Calories in apricot and calories in dried apricots (dried apricots) are completely different things. Due to the fact that during drying the moisture evaporates from the fruit, it becomes a kind of "concentrate", and its calorie content increases dramatically. At 100 grams of the product has 215 calories, and the weight of one piece is reduced to 7 grams.

Each dried apricot has 15 calories. The difference is not so significant, but when you use the product in large quantities it makes itself felt.

Correct apricot diet

The summer season is ideal for weight loss, because it is at this time that we have the maximum amount of light fruits and vegetables that can easily be used to reduce the total caloric intake, which inevitably leads to weight loss. So, consider several options for a correct diet on apricots, thanks to which you will lose 1 kilogram per week. You can use it until you reach and fix the desired result.

Approximate ration for a day:

  1. Breakfast: fried eggs, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: 5 apricots.
  3. Dinner - any soup with vegetables (spinach, cabbage, broccoli, nettle, etc.).
  4. Afternoon snack: 5 apricots.
  5. Dinner: fish, chicken breasts or beef with a light side dish of fresh or stewed vegetables.

It is important during this diet to drink before each meal for a glass of water, as well as at least 2-3 glasses - in between. The last meal - no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Take care not to add to the diet high-calorie snacks - biscuits, sweets, cheese, chocolate , sandwiches, etc. So you will quickly achieve the results.

Diet: 3 days on apricots

There is a variant of an unloading diet with apricots, which can be used before an important event to quickly drive away the stomach. Long-term results This option, unlike the first, does not.

So, the ration for each of the three days:

  1. Breakfast - half-rolls of low-fat cottage cheese, 3 apricots.
  2. The second breakfast - 5 apricots.
  3. Lunch - polpachki curd fat-free, 3 apricots.
  4. Afternoon snack - a glass of fat-free yogurt.
  5. Dinner - a glass of skimmed yogurt.

This diet is easier to bear if you consume 2 liters of water a day. It is strictly forbidden to include other products or choose non-fried options.