Can I lose weight on cereals?

When compiling a diet, women try to analyze the benefits of each product. Because of this, many are interested in whether you can lose weight on porridge? Currently, porridge is the basis of many diets, besides they are available to any person and are easy enough to prepare.

Everyone knows that the first condition for weight loss is the rejection of carbohydrates. Therefore, many completely remove from their diet of such food, although this is completely wrong. For normal life of the body needs energy, the source of which, in sufficient quantity, are carbohydrates. This does not mean that you can eat sweet and flour, carbohydrates should be "useful".

How to lose weight with the help of porridges?

The most useful product in the composition, which includes useful carbohydrates, are porridges. Even in their composition, there is fiber that favorably affects the work of the intestines, and vegetable protein. What could be better for a useful diet during the period of weight loss and not only?

Rules of preparation and use:

  1. You need to cook the porridge without oil. If the first time for you is hard, reduce the amount gradually.
  2. One serving should not exceed 200 g, if the serving is very small, add the vegetables .
  3. Cook porridge on milk, it will help to quickly assimilate the product.
  4. Try not to use salt or reduce its amount to a minimum.
  5. Do not forget to drink water, up to 2 liters daily.

What porridge helps to lose weight?

Nutritionists say that porridge is better to eat in the morning. The most useful for the figure: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat porridge and brown rice. As for white rice with it, you need to be extremely careful, because it contains simple carbohydrates and, accordingly, empty calories, which lead to problems with excess weight.