Sprouted wheat grains are good and bad

The sprouted grain is called the food of the future, because it does not need to be cooked, but in the literal sense it is necessary to grow it yourself. Such food does not contain chemical additives, but it is very nutritious and contains many useful substances. The use of germinated grains of wheat is, first of all, in their unique biochemical composition. It is thanks to him that they are shown not only for dietary nutrition, but also for the treatment of certain diseases.

What is useful for sprouted wheat?

Many people know that whole grains are very useful. But they do not take into account that valuable substances in ordinary wheat seem to be conserved inside a solid shell, and therefore can not be assimilated by the body by 100%. Another whole grain germinated - "awakened", naturally enriched with living amino acids and vitamins. It is able to convey to a person the maximum of its usefulness.

This product contains many B vitamins that strengthen the nervous system, have a positive effect on brain activity, heart function. Vitamin A in such grains increases the body's resistance to viral diseases, improves eyesight, acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C struggles with vitamin deficiency, vitamin E optimizes metabolic processes in cells and prolongs youth. Minerals normalize the water-salt balance and improve the work of internal organs. In diabetes, germinating grain of wheat is recommended to use because of the lack of fast carbohydrates in them - such an additive naturally regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

What is the harmful germination of wheat?

In addition to benefits, and the damage from germinated grains of wheat can also be. It contains gluten , which can cause bloating and flatulence. Therefore, the product is contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal diseases. Also, you should carefully use the germinated wheat to allergic people.