Bananas - good and bad

One of the most common fruits on store shelves today is a banana. Sweet and tasty, he became a favorite treat for adults and children. However, many representatives of the fair sex who closely monitor their diet and figure do not often doubt whether it is possible to eat bananas while sitting on a diet, what benefits and harms in themselves are the bananas. Let's look into these issues.

Composition and useful properties of bananas

Banana is, of course, a useful product. The banana contains vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. But first things first. The average fruit weighing 120-140 g has an energy value of 120 kcal. It contains more than 30 grams of carbohydrates (mostly sugar), 1.5 g of protein and 3 g of fiber (only 14% of the daily value of the useful substance). It is thanks to the content of the latter, bananas very often appoint people who have undergone surgery, severe burns, cancer, radiation sickness.

If we talk about vitamins, then in bananas, most of all vitamins C (known natural antioxidant) and E, as well as some of the group B. This combination of trace elements and vitamins helps purify the intestines. It is proved that banana fibers improve the absorption of fats and sugars entering the human body. Among other things, bananas contain a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, liver and heart. From microelements in these fruits there are also sodium, phosphorus, iron, improving the composition of blood, and calcium, useful for teeth and bones.

Bananas and sports

Often the question arises about the benefits of bananas for athletes. For those who spend evenings in the gym and wonder - is it possible to eat bananas when losing weight, we answer - do not treat the banana as a permanent component of the table. It is worth eating only as a dessert after main courses. Since it contains a lot of sugar and contributes to an increase in appetite, the fruit is worth eating with caution to those who sit on protein or any other diet. If you decide to use it as a source of carbohydrates and calcium, then it is better to replace them with freshly squeezed carrot juice with cream. The effect will be the same, but with less damage to the figure.

Damage to bananas

Despite the fact that the banana is a real storehouse of useful properties, do not forget that in all countries, except where they grow, they are delivered unripe, which means they have not received the necessary substances. In order for a bunch of bananas to hit the counter, it must first make its way in a refrigerated container with a gas-tight sphere. Then ripen in the gas chamber and just resting, get into the baskets of buyers. After such a long "trip", most of the useful properties of the product are often lost, and carbohydrates turn into ordinary sugar.

Scientists also found that the use of bananas can increase the viscosity of the blood, which can lead to a decrease in blood flow to certain parts of the body, for example, in men - affect erections, in varicose veins - to worsen course of the disease. With caution, you can eat bananas for food to those who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers. The product can also worsen the condition. In children, bananas can cause bloating and flatulence, so introduce them into the diet should be done in a progressive way and in small doses.

From all of the above, we can say that bananas, like many fruits need to be used wisely. In small quantities and subject to all restrictions, they will only benefit. It is especially important to know the extent to which bananas are eaten by those who follow the figure or try to get rid of excess weight or obesity.